Sunday, November 13, 2005

Wireshark Wifi Drivers

Coldness and warmth (I): Higashiyama

Talking about Kyoto, Santi said he is like Toledo it's hot, there are many churches (but here are temples and shrines) and is full of hills.

write these lines on the train that takes me back to Kobe, and after my first day in Kyoto I can assure you is more like Rome: that is, the three statements before, but to the nth degree. Today was my first trip of many that I do to Kyoto, they say you can not see in a month, and I think so. That city, mother of God. Or Buddha. Or the thousands of Shinto deities one is lucky enough to take to the face. In six hours I have only seen a park, a sanctuary and three temples. That if, that park, sanctuary, and, above all, churches. I understand that even pantofascinacion operates in me and that I make pictures of everything what I put forward, and that a few days I'll be at the top of temples (ie, to be somewhat discordant), as in Rome ends up eyebrows churches. However, I can not find the words for this, and I assure you that this time is not a cliché. Certainly not confuse Kyoto (the great historic city of Japan) in Tokyo, which is the capital.

After a while of enormous uncertainty in the station of JR (Japan Railways) for failing to find the tourist office to get a little map, I get my goal, so as to buy a bus voucher for a day.

I open the map. I understand little.

(Kyoto is enormous and, as throughout Japan, the transport is a mess because there are several companies Train, metro and several bus stations, some private and some not. This makes the map, for example, there is no drawing for the train but more than one, depending on the company whatsoever. Imagine what that means making a transfer.)

After some study, I see that Kyoto is divided into five "sectors" and since I do not care where to start, take a bus to the nearest of Mrs. interesting sites of the tourist office was kind enough to point me. The "sector" to which I called Higashiyama, and I go to the Kiyomizu Temple, which, like many places in Kyoto, is the heritage of humanity.

(I know the title equity does not imply that the monument itself is beautiful or not, but as in the map of the city are detailed that if you are and I have to leave out many sites of Kyoto to not go crazy, let that be the Unesco decide for me. By the way, was in Kyoto where Alcala was named a World Heritage City.)

That small it feels to get to Kiyomizu and see these giant "torii" to welcome you. The crowd is a crowd of jobs and desaosiegos, it is one of the more tourists from Japan, especially for the Japanese. West, few. Some Thai, I think. And English, my pen and me. And the shirt, of course. Today has given me to do country.

The name of the temple, Kiyomizu means pure water, and indeed that from the multiple viewpoints of the main building, water is omnipresent but not rivers or waterfalls or anything similar. Natural sources are displayed on every corner and have a religious meaning (I guess I will have to do with cleaning and / or purification, as a "rite" is to take a few scoops specific water and drinking water and washing hands) the stars of the day. It's lovely to see how mothers teach children to wash their hands with water dragon. The route for tourists, besides, it skips some notable sites in which I have cast as a small cemetery (not if Buddhist) in which I enjoyed a good read: Javi recommended me to read "Memories of My Melancholy Whores" in a row, when he had peace and quiet. Marry that the site was appropriate, but towards the end of the first chapter has done me cold and I had to quit. That anger has given me. And Gabo is well written.

Dozens of photos after I go to the next point: Kodai-ji Temple, who ordered construction of Kita-no-mandokoro when I am the widow of Toyotomi Hideyoshi for the soul of the deceased was not sad. The road to there is riddled (in the worst sense) of expensive food shops and / or traditional crafts, as well as tourists willing to spend the unspeakable in any of them. The only thing that strikes me attention chopsticks are decorated and very craft. too expensive, however. Seeking some thimble unsuccessfully Pilar, Soraya's mother, who collects them. We see that here it is unusual that. Made more typical wear something here could buy a ring of Doraemon (cosmic cat) but as it does not seem appropriate. In some places cutting (not bars, not counters, are not restaurants, not taverns, there are supermarkets, not to call it), as bait, there are girls who offer free tastings passers something that looks like stuffed crepes things of different colors. I'll take one to believe that filling is chocolate brown. Error. It recalled that the conversation guide Lonely Planet suggests that spitting on the street is frowned upon. To get the taste of another lame mouth filled with orange. I think it's peach, or orange, and pineapple. I again and again mistake the desire to restrain them. Volume rose a third full. L to Murphy's Law does not make it strawberry, and I go to the temple, eager to take the bolus on the conversation guide Lonely Planet. Indeed, the streets of Kyoto geisha are also full, but not the authentic (it is impossible to see because they hide), but girls dressed like this. Oi do not know where that might put them to attract tourists. We, like when I wear the suit of The buscones. I'm just more ugly and geisha are known prostitutes. Although, all things considered ... The truth is that the Japanese are not at all accustomed to seeing geishas. When a mounted a tremendous buzz to make photographs. Not that I remembered the tuna, and think of a geisha singing "sad and lonely stays Fonseca Asaz I found ridiculous.

Before coming to Kodai-ji, and error, I get to Ryozo Kuannon, a Buddhist temple with a huge Buddha. Activity. Give me a stick of incense burning. The lame. Smoke me in the face while walking, and since in my hand 3 maps of Kyoto, the brochure that I have just given, the guidance of conversation, the iPod, the denim jacket, the Japanese guide and notebook which I point the phrases that I need to not having to look all the time in the dictionary, I'm about to drop my wand. After several equilibria control the situation (I would have loved to see me Soraya: when these things happen to me die of laughter) and I put the wand in a pot in which there are another hundred, all lit up. Little has missed me not to burn.

Kodai-ji has only one catch, is that, despite giving a brochure in English, all signs are in Japanese, and maybe I read an explanation on something that is not. I think in general, Japan can be an excellent international tourist destination, but they need to know. Despite that, thanks to Kodai-ji start capture the magic of Japanese garden design. Pity not to have anyone to hand me explain that I understand the symbolism also omnipresent. Let's see if I document the issue and give you a day murga. Kobe and Kyoto (as well as Himeji and Nara and other sites that I will be talking about) are in the Kansai region, which is said to have, throughout Japan, the best range of red autumn leaves on the trees . It is true, I think. And I will be leaving pictures of it.

to die I'm exhausted when I see where I'm near a park: Maruyama. I'll sit a while, but before I run another shrine, Yasaka Jinja, which lots of people to prevent diseases and pests. Despite they thought that all I was going to look the same, with this shrine excited me enough: this in the middle of a place of transit, tourism is not like the others. There are many people playing cowbells votive that I've written. To make matters worse, next it is celebrating something. It looks like a Buddhist wedding or something. I'm a little embarrassed to take a picture, so take a video which is the same but without flash. Yasaka Jinja is the most human of all I've seen so far. I think the pictures do not appreciate the "humanez" of buildings by putting them in comparison with others. You'll have to trust my words. In

Maruyama tranquility reigns. I think if I feel I'm going to fall asleep, and although this is a national sport here, not me sobarme fancy. I still have a way to the train and after peak hours and up to Kobe and from the station where I leave the train half an hour from metro to home. I hear a guitar singing in English "Falling in love with you." I approach and is a funny-faced Yankee who looks at me and greets me while playing (there is a kind of brotherhood among Westerners, for three that we are going to get along. It's like looking at us to tell us one another " how strange it all is, eh?) At very funny does not make one case, or you look like a stranger. Knowing that, when it reaches the chorus drops a "come on everybody", he falls a few laughs to himself and is so happy, on their own, asking about yen liven up the evening with a rate that perhaps these Nipponese will be exotic, but I, for some strange circumstances, brings me to my childhood and early high school and frustrated love between the sheets right now Soraya must be sleeping with that cute face you have when you sleep . Cara, by the way, I remember every day thanks to the photo that I keep in the phone.

Now, if I can not stand. Since coming to Kiyomizu have passed six hours or less. Six hours derrengantes. Seeking the bus. Riveting ride it where I left elbow. There is a monumental traffic jam in the city. It's Sunday, so not to be. Be normal? It takes about fifteen minutes or more to arrive at each stop, and I can not stand it. Desperate, I under and look for the train station on foot. The map is easy to follow, but it has been done at night and also because I'm not in the historic area, but in the predominantly urban. Made his way, but I am inspired when I come across signs with long names that refer to places as far away now, but I'm pretty sure that I shall never know.


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