Monday, November 28, 2005

Where Does Holly Willoughby Get Her Extensions

The beauty that will outlast us

( Escrito para el Diario de Alcalá del dia 2 de diciembre, con motivo del aniversario del nombramiento de Alcalá de Henares como Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad .)

Desde hace un mes me encuentro en Japón, invitado por la Universidad de Kobe para dirigir unos entremeses de Cervantes (a saber, La guarda cuidadosa, El juez de los divorcios y El viejo celoso). No quería, sin embargo, dejar de conmemorar el séptimo aniversario del nombramiento de Alcalá como Ciudad Patrimonio. Así que aquí me encuentro, a siete mil kilómetros de casa, ocho horas más tarde que todos ustedes, writing these lines from the delectable Ginjaku-ji Temple, in the eternal city of Kyoto. At this point in the film and you know that Kyoto was the city where he met the committee of Unesco on December 2 that he thought deserved Alcalá among the main cultural environments of our planet.

In these four weeks I have been lucky enough to go sightseeing, and if anything I have learned is that perhaps beauty is the engine that drives the world, but the sediment that remains after everything else. I mean that in our daily life is becoming increasingly strong widespread hatred, the bad feeling because yes, tension inescapable the mean stress that eats away at us, poor education, the struggle for struggle's sake yes or why not. But man can not ever feel tired of being alive, and his fleeting attempt to escape the dark current discovers something (each his own) that he inhabits, and he complements her resume. And so we come to the beauty, because what has characterized the human being throughout history (and talking about human beings with upper and militarized Hottentots not only breathe to the rhythm of war, which all have been in this blue sky is not always) has been the constant search for beauty, whether here in Kyoto, there Alcalá, or Rome, in Ecija, in Boston and Port Moresby. The concept of Beauty has changed over the centuries and places, of course, but Rubens had been startled by the works of Modigliani, Tomas Luis de Victoria with the symphonies of Mahler does not change anything. There is an issue that has to do with religions, cultures, nationalities, experiences or other esoteric trifles. I speak of that beauty, well capitalized, has been, is and will remain an innate human search: all cultures leave behind a mark that identifies a perhaps not so distant future, when all those who have died saw how it was raising that work. These tracks, almost always worthy of being remembered and preserved, represent the Heritage of Humanity, which as it indicates the Unesco, "is our legacy from the past, we live in today, and what we leave to future generations."

Now, the threat is such that we inflict absolute ugliness around us is urgent to fight with beauty. Because they do not always have time to visit a Gothic cathedral or to listen to Brahms or read Garcilaso. I wish we did, of course. But it is not so, once we get out of it shamelessly beautiful in ourselves. I mean the kind words, exquisite manners, the good times shared with our closest, try everyday to help others without the change in disqualification attempt to free one conversation, the horn off forever, smiling for no apparent reason, the good days, good afternoon, the good nights, how beautiful you this morning, lucky to have you by my side, he needs you something, let me help you please, because I appreciate how ... It's all part too, and how-to beauty. And we are all somehow, beautiful. Or so I believe. After all, what is love but the desire to be one with what we consider beautiful?.

Therefore, because there would be nobody without it, let's make a deal: let us try today, or at least today, give us the indescribable joy of being happy and make happy with Beauty, with each of us. Because it costs nothing and is worth much. Because when we are no longer here, she'll endorse us and let us be reminded. Because even our own, non-transferable Beauty is what we leave to future generations.

Happy Heritage Day. Happy Day of Beauty.


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