Saturday, November 26, 2005

Mens Hairdressing Essay

A day in Kobe City (I): Domestic Bliss

Kobe City (twinned with Barcelona, \u200b\u200bno less) I am very destroyed in 1995 because of a brutal earthquake that were caught off guard. That's why the city is so modern that creaks. The same applies to Osaka, almost completely demolished during the Second World War, although in this case the "modernez" rather than grinding, ojiplatiza (which is a verb that describes non-existent but wonderfully well what I mean.) However, north of Kobe Kitano is a neighborhood called that book in 1995 for being on top of a hill. Not that this is an ugly place, much less, but they told me that after what I've seen so far should not expect much. But curiosity got me, for I knew that Kitano is the European district of Kobe which include, inter alia, "the German house, "The Dutch house" ... And as in this blog every time I look over to Uncle Matt's traveler Fraguel, sharpen the iPod, started to point the conversation guide the Lonely and shoes fit me climber: next season, Kitano.

Upon arrival to the "European Quarter" (ten little minutes walk from Sannomiya) I run into "the house of Panama." "Bad start", I think, "if the next is the" house of Burundi "I turn around." Thanks to a very small map apaƱao I have provided in the tourist office I learned that the houses are of artistic interest in Kobe, who can not visit, and to keep the owners have become restaurants, bars ... , sites, in short, where people can enjoy of a leisure time in an "exotic." To understand, this is a shoddy imitation of the House.

A glance helps me to understand what the houses in England and France can offer-nothing-and I speak to the German house trying not to hinder a photoshoot of newlyweds. I was disappointed father and SIR to note that, contrary to what I had understood, the couple here wear the same colors as in the West. Never heard that you have come to that here they marry them black and white? Well, not masters: either a lie or are westernized over the account. Anyway, on to Kitano: I think that pretty pictures will come here in search that exotic wild and quiet that only "Ben's Tavern" can give them. That is, this is a shoddy imitation Cisneriana University.

It would have to be very optimistic and very positive to say without fear of embarrassment that "the German house" is closed. Although not shown in the photo, you must take in works, if this works, long time. I do not quite understand why it is called "German house." I, in my humble opinion of European mentality, I would call "shoddy imitation of the house from Psycho." In short, Kobena veran.

Cansadito costs so much I took a break in the "Square of the Bohemians", where a Japanese juggler past few more or less normalitos tricks. I mean I've seen much more positive. And I mean not only the circus acrobat in Beijing, of course. I think Laura and her colleagues do things better. But the guy is so enthusiastic Curran, to deny. You must be very funny, because people are quite smiling. I only managed to decipher two or three things loose, "three, two, one ..." and "Wait a minute." Were easy, so we're going to cheat.

Once parts and giving a vote of confidence over the "European Quarter" I am going to "the Dutch house, because I was never encouraged in the Netherlands and so maybe I soak a little of the culture of those dollars and give me cookies and tulips. On the way I meet "the Victorian house, a site really indescribable. Suffice it to see the photo for you can share with me the existential question of "who has the Victorian this behemoth out of standard cheesy b movies." But it seems that the owners are lined with weddings, even if not on here Emma Thompson and Anthony Hopkins.

Kitano denying I turn once a Dutch house, convinced that I have seen the worst. "That mine innocence," I say to get to the door of the Dutch house. I can not comment, it plain to see. I just tell the slopes looming under the umbrella of Heineken are a woman who is photographing the happy family (including the "typical" holandesita) after having taken the not inconsiderable figure of 2500 yen. The yen is a little higher than what was the peseta, say that would be ... wing about 3000.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think no matter how bad the vision of Japan that we take in Spain, we do not reach these lofty heights. The next time it is the week of Japan in the English Court'll have no qualms about going.

That if: walks that I have not laughed. Not everything will be emotions in temples and shrines.

Before returning to Sannomiya, and since there is a sanctuary in Kitano, approached me a moment to take away the taste so unique that I have left. From the top I can enjoy a wonderful skyline of Kobe, and, above all, something that had only seen in photo: colorful garlands made with origami. It is an immense amount of paper birds to pass them a thread to connect them so that there is a gradient of color that leaves your mouth made pate de canard. Garlands, of course, can be as long as the patience of those who develop. I think I've commented on here that I have no intention of approaching or Hiroshima or Nagasaki, and cried enough with a poem of five verses of the eleventh century to try to digest the ravages of the, perhaps, more serious global slaughter is committed in a hurry and no one has been prosecuted for it. Well, that I have come to understood that in Hiroshima is a monument to peace in which was placed a weeping willow made entirely of natural size, with these bow-by children from schools in the same city. You should make your hair stand on end.

And as it is too late and I have to go to bed to take the day tomorrow, I leave for another day the second part of my day in Kobe. That if you promise something better. But do not you go I believe.

By the way, I send an important message to all: sorry for not responding personally to each one of you write me, either by mail or blog. I hope you do not mind. But do not let you do this, please. Although not answer, know that each of these messages your light my feet every morning to go forward.

I love you. I will not forget.


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