Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Inurl:toshiba Network Camera - User Login

Floor turn on the computer when I wake up and at night when I get to my room. First, for news of Soraya (blessed MSN), and then to check email and blog, just in case someone has written something. This morning, therefore I found the pleasant surprise of three messages, namely, my two dear Carlos and my father wanted no less. The first message (Herve Menard scripsit) has made me think about all day. Carlos has been here a few years, and I think if anyone can talk about the good and the bad feelings of cultural change is. In fact, much of the information on Hatsue (of my "What I leave for you") came from things he was telling me.

Now, hours later, I reread what I wrote yesterday and I think it needs some additional words to understand the general sense of how I felt the other day. It may change what I wrote yesterday, but I think these new and more appropriate, perhaps, someone saw the title and not read it thinking I had read it and was left without such qualifications or, in the words of Carlos, nuance. Infinite nuances.

Because if this is a friendly country in general terms, as I like to think lately so is Spain. Another thing is the individual, of course. But since I have come undone me in all aspects. It would be unfair to allow my tongue to the deal say negative things to me: I have paid the travel, accommodation, salary Professor, I have prayed that a class for all students of English drama of the Golden Age (class, of course, I paid extra), and also thank me every day that has made a long journey to help. Regarding the treatment of everyday people everywhere, just see smiles and attempts to help you understand a language they recognize complicated.

I think the other day was a mismatch. There are little cultural differences that need to be collated and clarified as a whole, and ultimately everything revolves around the point of view. The eye of the beholder. It is also true that the Japanese attitude towards foreign still seems unclear. Not me, I say, but I find it curious-no no, of course, just curious, that to use a word from another language to fit the word syllabic system. Do not know if that is representative or not. I do not mind. Only if they offered me a job here right now with the possibility that Soraya had facilities to accept him find work. And I think that says a lot about a country so different, but obviously so dear.

On the other hand, I do not want you to think I'm not here particularly sensitive, or whiny Or sad every minute. Absolutely. Today I've missed a few laughs with them incredible riding a scene from Cervantes to which we have (of all) found some nuances that I did not remember.

And to top it off, and an example of differences that could be saved, I'm taking a yoghurt with aloe vera that has me crazy.

promised to speak of the food here. I have not been forgotten. But now I have to leave you: I get up early tomorrow, I have to go buy a pillow as Sannomiya not let me use more than four towels each day.

See, I explain.

Goodnight lind @ s .


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