Monday, November 28, 2005

Glade Flameless Candles

The day I went

( Note: None of the photos that included today is mine but are taken from internet, because none of the places we are going to tell you allowed to take photos, as will understand later. )

Well that. That Sunday (sorry, but for some reason the blog does not allow me to put the exact dates of the days, which maybe the date shown is not correct, but stating that what happened on Sunday I will tell you 27) I have become Japanese. Because until now I have tourism, I have lived with English students, I bought food outlining rag language words. I even went to market in Kyoto, as you will remember. But today I made in two activities that I believe are very Japanese, and I've lived (almost) as a Japanese would live. Although the second more than the first.

all started in Osaka, a city of "only" eight and a half million people, whose main station (called simply "Osaka") is a swarm of pure madness and vertigo. The first time you get to Osaka two weeks ago, got no leave the station. It was impossible to sign and arrow pointing both contradictory and people in places all around potential. I had an attack of fear that I went back to ride the train to Kobe and I go to house, overwhelmed by the reality Japan.

The second time I promised myself I would get. And get two corners beyond the station, until I saw a huge shopping center (in this country the palbras "huge" usually means "very high" because there are hardly any free land to be "very extensive") that had to a Ferris wheel 30 meters or so. Between, say a turn, I turned to make poo right there and I went back again. Sorry, but you know some of my phobia of crowds that leave you walking. No I survive in Tokyo.

The third time was today. Wanted at all costs to see something of Japanese theater, they do not want to go home without enjoying there something I can not see. And of all possible types of Japanese theater, there are some that you can see here quite often: the Noh and Kyogen (the latter, as an appetizer, is a short comic piece that is sandwiched between acts the first), Kabuki (which displayed the typical samurai made up with an angry voice) and Bunraku (puppet theater with a tradition of centuries, like the other genres mentioned above). Now there is in the lineup Osaka Kabuki and Noh and Kyogen or so when I discovered that he had Bunraku available there that I've thrown. The problem was coming. But with patience and some have taken the circular funk (that here too there is, do not leave to think) and I appeared at the headquarters of the National Bunraku Theater of Japan. There is nothing, a national company (I mean the state) dedicated to puppetry. That can become different things, alas. But of course, is to be the puppet theater.

Bunraku, as I say, is a genus of four years ago in which each puppet (from a height of three quarters of a person) is handled at once by three people dressed in black and that most times have the whole head covered in black. To get the movements so elaborate puppets each manipulator studied about three years, and I can not imagine that an actor used Espanya preparing something for so long then you are not even see his face. Here, however, take into account the role you have the dolls, and they engaged in body and soul. While the puppets are moved by a stage-mouth as wide as the Theatre Royal, a man (the tayuh), as a chant, tells the story and provides the voice of all the characters while a musician is accompanied with a kind the zither called samisen, always with stories written centuries ago, because it is not often write new works. Counted so may not sound like much, but I assure you is an experience to have front about dolls live, speak, feel and suffer like everyone else (even more than a few, actually), with tabs that move and hands gripping things and take their clothes off themselves and cut their hair and fight with katanas to defend the besmirched honor of their ladies. representations lasts for about five hours, although I attended a "short" session of only an hour and forty minutes (ie, the first act), at a lower price. Bunraku included some photographs that you may know what I mean. There are everyday features at eleven in the morning and four in the afternoon. A national theater program features morning every day and the crowd goes ... I'll be dreaming?

left the theater with a smile of those with whom you could swallow your own ears. On the way home, and animated and the circular, made a stop over in Osaka for the Osaka Castle (ie Osaka-jo). The nearest Metro stop is to take a sack of little castle. When I arrived I realized that I longed to enter. Among which is a reconstruction of forty years ago and everyone tells me not worth it ... Well, I wanted to save a thousand pesetas, truth be told.

the afternoon was my baptism Japanese, and never better. Here is something very typical so-called "onsen", which are like a natural hot springs (Japan's volcanic soil, do not forget) that there are everywhere, with establishments that are open where you have a bath and so richly. Apparently they are quite well known internationally (I understand I have a fan of this blog called Fran's friend Helena, who asked him to tell me to go to an onsen. Well then, Fran, happy and I dedicate this experience) and the truth is that fame is at the height of reality. Even falls short. The most interesting is that these "onsen" are as used by people who tend to be places where business and affairs so close. In this case we were some of the theater because we needed to rest a little bit of stress ensayil.

as you enter the facility must remove their shoes, as between Japan. You pay the entry (does not reach three euros) and you take your towel and raisins to the lockers. The onsen are not mixed (with the exception of some that are for families), so we said goodbye to the girls, who went to onsen. Once we strip all the lockers altogether (not worth swimsuit is frowned upon) and we went to the bathroom area. As before getting into the pool you have to shower before going to the onsen have to wash. And there you have me, washing everything in a public restroom. The bathroom is spacious, with a sill so high and long as a sidewalk where people, when sitting, is in front of a shower faucets that reach the knees or so. spirals with a very cute you are, sitting on the sill like you're in the toilet (how nice pairing) and a Japanese naked on either side who knew nothing, spend fifteen minutes Washing you as thoroughly the entire body, including hair and the space between toes. You'll rinsing with water that collects in the bowl and so richly. The photos, though small, is illustrated to perfection. And after that, the onsen. I think we all know what are the hot springs, so I will not elaborate too much. The difference in the onsen with respect, for example, a resort is that the outdoor onsen. That is, at seven in the evening, the sky black and seven Japanese, Santi and I were in Porretta living in a "pool" bubbly almost boiling water while it rained in the face. The hot body and head cold. That sound right?

Joking aside, to let you know that the experience is more impressive than one can imagine. Because it is something between friends, with full confidence to be all naked talking around a bit, of the work, the moon, the girls that they would be on the other side of a wall, the food in Spain, as pronounce the "r", the sons of a bitch and fucking gachupines ... An onsen is enjoyed among family, among people nearby. It seems to return to the ancestors, when soldiers found a pool to cool off. Those who've seen "The Heifer" know what I mean. Before that you ask me, the famous Oriental myth is true sizes. In something we had to take advantage the Westerners against this ancient nation and refined. After the hour and a half bath, which flew by, we meet with the girls and had dinner together in the same place.

get home that night calm, become a more Japanese than in the morning going to the theater and evening bathe among colleagues. Upon reaching the room, my body just wanted to sleep. Was relaxed as I leave the pillow. I dreamed of a puppet stroked my hair and then he left, mounted on her dragon colors.


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