Sunday, November 13, 2005

What Does High Bilirubin Me.

small sorrows News Himeji-jo

remember that the offer to come to Japan I came in an email that sent me the Sea and I read in a mall in Zaragoza way Berta's wedding. Say no small boats, and maybe my euphoria was somewhat tiresome to Esther and Harvey, as well as for Soraya, which took the news as unprepared as me, but the difference was not she who was coming, but me. From the first time asked me not to waste this opportunity (both work and personal), I left to learn and teach, but we had some disagreement sneak another when we thought in five weeks away on two continents (namely, Spain is in the westernmost part of Europe and Japan in the most eastern Asia). We do not know where we will turn the life, but finally we are actors and / or teachers (the two professions for which we have formed) is very likely to travel a lot, not always in pairs. Anyway, my dear wife has chosen me "flying happy looking at the sky from my hands," according to his own words. That's not only honor, but does that deserves at least as great here and recognize where it is necessary that the number one. I now dedicate their excellent gloss, for that I leave it for more intimate moments.

What he meant by this is that I came to Japan looking for, among other things, some time alone to find myself and so self-diagnose re-know me and my feelings after the socio-cultural maelstrom labora-family-phratry -cuñadi-health-vito-housing I / we have assaulted a few months for this part. And this time alone I've found me. I do not complain about the (currently), as many of you know of my tendency to go a little to my ball. But one thing is voluntary solitude (necessary, for example, to write) and quite another thing is that causes involuntary seclusion surrounded known cartoons that are pretty unreadable in the boxes they sell at Ikea but not as much as depends on them you can reach your home.

I do not want to misunderstand the previous paragraph: I love this country (for a week I've been in) and I'm more or less sad than elsewhere. In the end I came to work eight hours a day Monday through Friday and I have 24 hours a day for sightseeing. Also, as I progress in reading Hiragana and Katakana, and even I have not missed nor appeared anywhere else than where I wanted to go.
What happens is more simple: I wanted to find myself and I have me here, enterito, in a place where distractions will not fit because they do not understand anything any more than my thoughts, the guidance of Japan and the invaluable guidance of Japanese conversation Lonely Planet. With the addition of the two guides are not in English but in English. So I like both receive your messages.

So, like it or not, I have no choice but to get along with myself and my action.

This is not always easy. But it is necessary.


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