Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Lacrosse How To Get Good Tilt


Today is Tuesday. Weekdays I have no time for sightseeing, obviously, I have to work. So I had nothing special to tell yesterday, and stayed quietly for a while, I'm more handsome.

Yesterday, moreover, was not a good day. Nor was it bad. Lets leave it in regular. It turns out that one of the characteristics of the Japanese is that, apart from cordial, often cold and reserved. up there either, because I think that is something that all of us had ever heard about these niponcillos. What if they relate little to one another, that if they go on the subway like lemmings into the hole ... That's only half true, because I'm working with college kids, about 22 years, and things are not as rigid in general. You may, however, that some of them are family and I have not already heard it here does not express affection. I do not remember if I've seen some couples hand in hand since I'm here. Maybe yes, but not something usual. Anyway, I understand that this is a little more social than personal, if not done, it is not done. Else is how you react to each according to stimuli.

I was saying, then, that yesterday I felt something "given out," as among the students some (not many, do not believe, I mean two or three of nineteen) think that after all are doing a Skit Japanese BY Japanese for Japanese made, and that has to come a English who know not explain anything. These guys are (what a coincidence) the fourth (last year), which matches that have already been an exchange student in Spain or South America, and they understand what the text says Cervantes think they know everything. From the English department is trying to understand that this is not so, that the work is a means for them to learn English, and if there is a specialist in theater and English Golden Age, for the better because they can learn more. Some are excited, of course, and so I do see: indeed there is one full day being sewn me questions and I do not know how to get rid of it. And yesterday

differences became apparent when I wanted to defend my method of work trying not to break yours. I wanted them to understand that it is useless to repeat a scene saying the same phrase a thousand times if you do not understand what the phrase means, because that is not to learn English but memorize a prayer that might not mean anything to you. But they believe they spend an hour to sit and explain every sentence is a waste of time because there is little to release (the record they rehearse Monday through Friday, eight hours a day and weekends twelve hours a day for three or four months and still missing three weeks). I think it's very productive, I do know, and one of them answered me "is the important thing is not to learn English but to laugh at our colleagues in other courses" (not if you had explained that in the works represent, in Russian, Chinese, English and English subtitles for "I'll let everyone know that the characters are saying). I replied that it was not entirely true, because if the purpose is just to amuse the public, it makes little sense that the university would spend a fortune to bring a English teacher able to contract a Japanese actor. The boy was still erre que erre (cabezoncitos guys are something when they get) and finally had to remind the hierarchy, because here contradict a superior social death is almost immediate: in fact the only first-year students can talk with those of room because they are ashamed. In fact, until I remembered that I am their teacher and that is not normal to question a teacher how to give your class did not agree to reasons. Finally we got a deal and we've all been happy, but if there were a few minutes a little sad for my head.

And I thought then in the thousands and thousands of immigrants who roam all "developed" countries of this world, and the innumerable number of times they would feel in similar circumstances without the ace up their sleeves to "remember that you owe me respect" and how they have to swallow the words and tears as when we turn a sock. Recorde Hatsue, Celia, to those nameless will not have a monument to remind you as the unknown soldier and probably one's own car to be proud ...

(Hopeless is he who has to leave to live a different culture.)

I say that I, on this trip, I have all the luck because, after all, come as "high-class teacher" with all expenses paid and I have cherry-picked. I can not complain that it's true. What I regret is that if I could not avoid feeling sad a few minutes for something as vacuous, that will not feel what we all know who they are?

After that it was time for dinner (about six in the afternoon) and get to the restaurant of the faculty. Santi was with me and asked him to help me choose, then you have to take ticket in a machine that is completely in Japanese and do not know what is what. He asked me who I wanted and I told him I did not know, because they knew what was. But that was not spicy, which here are very raw with that. I recommended a Chinese dish that is very successful here called "ramen" (pronounced with "ere" instead of "R"), I explained what the corresponding button and told them a few students I know here how important it was for I know that if I pressed that button could eat anything I liked. There was some laughter, dinner, and then returned to practice, without thinking that had not been for me without Santi.

(Sobrevivir. That's the word.)

Today I was rehearsing with a few and has approached one of the girls from last year which is very nice (in the photo that you send to them is to the left of the two denim jacket dress) and said:

- I have ... something ... to ... you.
- who?
-Tome. I have ... hacido ... no ... made to ... you.

The good girl, when I got home, had pointed out a few dishes that were sold to the machine, the paper had written in Japanese symbols, had written a approximate pronunciation and then made a short description of the dish as "rice with egg and chicken meat."

- Thank you. Many, thank you very much.
- Sure. It is for you.
- Seriously, for me it's very nice that someone does this.
- I am ... China. When veni ... I came ... to Japan ... I ... no ... had ... thirteen. I did not know Japanese. Therefore ... understand you ... and it is difficult ... adapt. If I can help ... you ... with the language ... or something ... Tell me, please.

I have not cried in front of it because the damn Lonely Planet guide said that Japan is not well seen a man cry. Less

front of a woman.

less if he is a teacher. Less

even if she is his student.

If not they must have been frightened, had given him a hug right there. If not he does not know English (it is enough to know Chinese, Japanese and English) would have given a copy of "The Immigrants" by Gloria Montero, for he knew that not only they're talking about, but, somehow we are all going in the same boat.
A ship will sink while there is no warmth in the boilers.


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