Sunday, December 11, 2005

What Kind Of Camera Do I Need For Closeup

disbelief, bowlegged, ojiplático ... 47 ronin

Now, when there are only a few hours to bid farewell to Japan, I have a final count of everything that has been surprising me (for better, for worse, for rare, so who knows ...) in these 4 +1 weeks. Some of them have been peppered these lines. The following never had (so far) an adequate gap.

- On any fashion ad, the canon of beauty (especially females) is the western. The models clothing, wrinkle creams ... are Western. Not so, of course, with the announcements of insurance or the mortgage, since in these it is that japonesillas japonesillos and feel identified @ s bite the bait. So much comes obsessed with having white skin, the girls (not saying all, but a number too high for what the WHO recommend) are in miniskirts without socks in winter (and when I say I am very miniskirt sometimes benevolent) to cold (ice right now, is a stream that comes from Siberia) will leave the skin more pale. I saw legs covered in bruises from the same cold. In contrast, in summer (to keep them out of the sun tanning) are made not just pants, but long-sleeved shirts and even gloves. And I say that in the name of fashion or aesthetics one can do with your body what you like. But the faintness and hypothermia are serious.

- Reviewers of the trains are very nice. EVERY time they enter and leave each car are turned towards the people (which does not make you any attention because they tend to be sleeping) to make a bow and so thankful that make use of the facilities. This, of course, in carriages where there is room to walk. At eight o'clock is unthinkable.

- For trains in Tokyo at eight o'clock, I must say that, at his side, Kyoto buses are like a spacious hangar where they fit three Titanics. The mother of fair love, what stopping them. If the train hits a slowdown will not fall because you have nowhere to fall. And indeed, the tight (some men whose job is to push people to fit in the car) are working for him.

- Best of the trains and subways, on the platforms there is a point of indicating where signs will be located the doors. People therefore queuing from that point, which avoids the problems of "let out before entering." Some skip it, of course. But it is the less. Moreover, almost everyone knows this basic rule as civic education which in no escalators to cut the passage in case someone in a hurry. I hate people who stay planted in the middle of the flight of stairs without thinking that is causing a jam.

- Last point about public transport. It is true what he had heard: there are some women-only carriages. Apparently there were many complaints that, taking advantage of the jam, the men put his hand in a more than ostentatious. In some cases, if a man enters the carriage of women, nothing happens. At least in Kobe, a city more quiet, I have entered and there were more gentlemen like me. Tokyo do not know if things are equal. Before this I wonder if a woman goes to car at rush hour and they put unisex hand, have a right to complain?

- Fruit is very expensive. To get an idea, a basket with 9 strawberries (counted with those eyes that someone I know I have to remember before you close your eyes each night) costs about EUR 6. And it is most expensive.

- In Spain there are supermarkets, for example, a hall exclusively for pet food. Here too. But there is another exclusive for algae.

- It is impossible to change a schema to a Japanese. As an example, I'll tell my daily struggle with the bed in the residence. On the one hand, the pillow they gave me gave me an allergy, as it had inside and little balls of something weird. The first night I could not sleep. The second slept without a pillow and in the morning I hurt my neck. The third night I decided to use towels to function as a pillow. As the laundry room and spare sheets and towels were in front of my door, I agency four towels for use every night (they were always the same, mind you). Moreover, since the evening cool, I used a blanket that was in my closet to wear it on top. That's right: when he returned home in the evening the room had already made with the pillow ball into the bed, the blanket back into the closet and folded towels on the quilt. During four weeks I had to put the blanket every night. As for the towels, I told you that I was forced to buy a pillow, then passed me a note saying that I only reception was allowed to wear a pad daily.

- On the other hand, both the sheets tucked to make the bed that night I could not sleep so tight it was. What wild aunts.

- I said that sleep is the national sport. They do it anywhere. And "anywhere" means "everywhere." On the other hand, the national drink is not far from the sake. What is. Everything is "Japanese tea", which is what we in our ignorance, we call "green tea." In the restaurants are free, such as water jugs in Spain.

- A big bike everywhere. To the extent that I have been on the verge of an outrage over the sidewalk. And no, there was no bike lane.

- Feeling helpless before a language you do not know and can not even read their characters makes you feel completely illiterate. A total illiterate. Feel worthwhile, even for a few days. Just as Boadella once said that many of the problems of Spain (and many of the follies of the English) would be solved with a week of dictatorship a year to remind us what is really the lack of freedom and democracy.

- The works and repairs on public roads are fast and have never seen. Within one (1) day, up a street near the university, he had repaired the damage, they closed all asphalted and left made the minimum marks to remember where was the pedestrian crosswalk. The next day they painted.

- The previous point implies that not only is possible, but there are also people who do it. This, friends, yes we are light years ahead of the Japanese. For centuries light, I dare say.

- Couples usually do not show affection in public. Some go hand in hand, but it is not common. And I have not seen anyone, anyone giving a kiss.

- However, prostitution is not only legal but is announced by the mailboxes of the houses in a very cute pamphlets with photographs including the girls, they also very cute. If for some reason you do not want to get kicked in the mailbox Whorehouses propaganda, because you have to put up a sign that says so. "Please, do not want hookers in my mailbox." And all so happy.

- In operational terms, I explained some of my students that it is calling on the phone and send you a bf home. If you do not, then quit and send you another. So who match up with the one you want. I imagine it will not be so, but (even online) you can see by the photo to select the one you want. When discussing some students in Spain are the customers who will visit the whores (usually) is dismayed, because according to them, if the client is someone important would be evidence if you see a lot of whores around. I told them is true, but according to the Japanese so the client is important not only in fact but that pilinguis, in addition, they find out where the illustrious lives, and that's become more evident. Amazed by the obvious reasoning.

- No one is interested in staying with something that is not yours. This lovely euphemism means, for example, at the University of kobe I could safely leave my laptop on and plugged in my purse or forgotten over a table in a hallway and get out to eat any one floor below. When he returned an hour later, everything was still there. It is as normal. Everybody does. Color me to stay. And it's something more or less, it happens all over Japan. There is crime, I suppose, but, generally, one can walk down the street pretty quiet.

This blog has tried to show the glimpse (five weeks will fly past almost always) a fascination with everything Western. If you want more about Japan, from a similar perspective, I recommend the following blog, also on Japan, written by a English very room from which spent years living and working in this country. Review can do everything that has been written since June 2004. A joy to learn more and more everyday aspects ojiplatizantes.

And here I come with my relationship annihilation. If there are more than certain that yes, I know will bring them in this blog.


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