Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Generate Your Paper Toy

I've been a few days in Tokyo. Right from the Monday night (I write these lines on Thursday afternoon), and for a few reasons not relevant here I could not write on the blog. Suffice to say that for some strange reason I can not post pictures. So keep writing, but when I do I'll do a less extensive and without pictures. I'll keep trying, mind you. Let's see what happens ...

Finally, you can imagine that I have to tell you a lot of outdated information. For example, on the conference I gave last Wednesday, that is, on 30 November. Everything started when I was very happy after a short class theater students to tell what it was the English Golden Age, and I got link to some of my limited knowledge of Japanese culture and history. The kids understood it better because of these examples, and the next day I went to a meeting of the English Department as teachers wanted to know. They asked me how I was giving the adaptation to the environment, and told them what the class. I admit that I was a bit different pedantic, as the situation required: in the end I was invited by a university there had no more to me some references and wanted them to see that I was at the height of those references. So when I saw that I had some knowledge of Japan (again, rare) were shocked, and Professor Fukushima, a charming man, others suggested that I give a lecture-introduction to the English Golden Age, more specifically on Cervantes ( cachis, could have been on Lope) for all students of English at the university: about 200. They felt good and got the university paid me apart from the conference. I loved it. Of course.

I thoroughly prepared the conference (I promise that rhyme was not sought), and to devise a scheme very simple-to provide a copy to each student, which summed up everything that was going to explain. For the words "difficult" told again with the help of Santi and some Japanese students, which led me concepts like "Counter" or "Invincible." Moreover, since the classroom where the lecture is taught, the 504, as shown in the photo below, projector and screen available for the computer, I prepared a document with images that help students understand visually what he was talking about. Thanks to that could understand (I think) what was the Inquisition or Comedy Corral.

And the day came, and was a success. The guys were watching (some were asleep, but here is common to the utmost, you know rest on any site is the national sport) And as I say, who had to be happy he was. Because the students were delighted (and if you do not like about Cossacks were lied when I said yes) and teachers: came across the English Department in full and then gave me a farewell dinner (sushi source Skyscraper size) in a pleasant climate in which someone suggested it would be great someday I could work there. The ears I was shot, the antennas are directed toward that point. All teachers said yes, that is true, it would be a good signing. To my dismay (because I do not mind if we came here a year old, for example) is that the position for which I could choose a reader that you have to apply at the University of Alcalá, as there is an exchange of teachers between the two universities: a Japanese teaching Japanese and English English Alcalá in Kobe. The deadline for submission of applications over the next day to come to me to Japan and I did I knew. In short, our fate when international travel continues his streak lasting.

But that does not detract from what mattered most that day: my first conference, and also in a distant country like Japan to an audience which, of course, would not understand everything he said. But I got it. And so richly.

The next day, reviews the premiere of the work.


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