Monday, January 18, 2010

Could I Be Pregnant With A Low Hard Cervix

What do you dream? Just curious

Today we celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr. As I said today the President of the United States, Barack Obama, today is a good day to think about our dreams and ideals ... in the way they serve others. This is precisely what I wanted to write today: of dreams.

In life, dreams are the driving force that inspires us to do something, anything, but something. The dreams we rise. Dreams stretch us, challenge us ... us grow ... connects us and binds us to other people and dreams.

I think nothing is more vital than dreams. Martin Luther King had a dream. In his famous speech 'I have a dream ' ('I have a dream') spoke of an America united, without inequality, racism, where whites and blacks could pray to God together. His dream led to his death. But it changed the world with his life.

This is the message: 'if you have a dream that is worth dying for, is not worth living. "


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