Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Do Ya Get Rid Of A Chest Infection

Albert Einstein said: "I have no special talents, but I am deeply curious. " I think that nowadays indispensable virtue is curiosity and the ability to be surprised by what surrounds us ... to seek, to go beyond, to make way where there is none, to question, to observe.

In a world where more and more information and access, no one can lead if it has a childlike curiosity to compel him to new paths and unexplored places. Leaders are not leaders by going to where it is already gone, but to build bridges that lead to the unknown, to guide his followers by exciting with adventures.

starts for you. Where you can stay there the rest of your life ... or you can leave out there (with a look of mischief) and do something extraordinary. Again, the desicion is yours!


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