Monday, January 18, 2010

Could I Be Pregnant With A Low Hard Cervix

What do you dream? Just curious

Today we celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr. As I said today the President of the United States, Barack Obama, today is a good day to think about our dreams and ideals ... in the way they serve others. This is precisely what I wanted to write today: of dreams.

In life, dreams are the driving force that inspires us to do something, anything, but something. The dreams we rise. Dreams stretch us, challenge us ... us grow ... connects us and binds us to other people and dreams.

I think nothing is more vital than dreams. Martin Luther King had a dream. In his famous speech 'I have a dream ' ('I have a dream') spoke of an America united, without inequality, racism, where whites and blacks could pray to God together. His dream led to his death. But it changed the world with his life.

This is the message: 'if you have a dream that is worth dying for, is not worth living. "

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Do Ya Get Rid Of A Chest Infection

Albert Einstein said: "I have no special talents, but I am deeply curious. " I think that nowadays indispensable virtue is curiosity and the ability to be surprised by what surrounds us ... to seek, to go beyond, to make way where there is none, to question, to observe.

In a world where more and more information and access, no one can lead if it has a childlike curiosity to compel him to new paths and unexplored places. Leaders are not leaders by going to where it is already gone, but to build bridges that lead to the unknown, to guide his followers by exciting with adventures.

starts for you. Where you can stay there the rest of your life ... or you can leave out there (with a look of mischief) and do something extraordinary. Again, the desicion is yours!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Abortion Pill Free In Canada

MATRIX - Modern Youth Culture

Today more than ever society is upside down. In everything we call good evil and evil called good. Everything has entered a warmth and relativity, and nobody says absolute truths, everything is relative to the eyes of the world, and we are inundated with a culture that does not know God, and is conceited in its reasoning.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. People will be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, cruel, haters of good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away .... "
" But evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But continue thou in the things you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned "2 Timothy 3:1-5
, 13-14

modern culture today, we enclosed in a small circle, with a little message, youth programming from an early age to be part of what I call MATRIX.

What is MATRIX?
is the modern system that runs the world today, is the world within which we live, which is led by the prince of this world, is the system that lets you do whatever you want, that does not limit mind of man, but expands their knowledge and reasoning to reach the perversion. It is an illusion of what really is the spiritual world. The word says that "what is seen was not made of things not seen", also says: "We are pilgrims on this earth", Jesus once said that his kingdom was not of this world and if this has been so he would not have been delivered into the hands of the scornful; marrow, which we do not belong to that system , but only went through it for a while, but not of it.

The Bible warns that God's children are not part of the MATRIX, and can not be friends with her, since this matrix has twisted and perverted values. This matrix is \u200b\u200bnot interested in Jesus and his message; "Ye adulterers! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. " James 4:4.
The matrix is \u200b\u200bdesigned to take possession of all human beings, and bring to a future condemnation, causing them to believe in fantasies and dreams of a brighter future and full, obtaining goods and riches of this world.

The MATRIX change patterns and change paradigms, and requires new thinking, human beings are by nature sinful and desires of the sinful are: money, power, admiration, exaltation, fornication, adultery, addictions, resentments, anger, strife, fighting , gossip, etc. MATRIX is responsible for giving the human being that craves flesh. Thousands and thousands of young are deceived every day.
The MATRIX puts human beings compete with each other. To humans of the Matrix, does not mind passing up your friends or family to satisfy their own desires, vain and selfish.

cultural changes that lead to the MATRIX:
The word of God says in 1 Corinthians 13 that love endures all things, hopes all things, believes all things, love does not brag, does not envy, delight in justice, love is not provoked, love does not do anything wrong, love does not seek its own, love never cease to be, etc. But
today the world or the MATRIX has taught us a new concept of love, which we have adopted without reproach, and the definition of this concept directly contradicts God's love.

This love is characterized by 3 basic points:
1. Love = a feeling:
around us and even within the church people think that love is a feeling, believe that love is something that comes out of us, believe that as we relate more to a person romantically we love the most, it is believed that love is guided by emotions, 2 of every 3 young people and adults have different perceptions of what is love.

2. Love = sex:
This definitely is a message from Hollywood and popular singers. And a lot of guys are worth some manipulation of this type to demand sex from her partner, saying: "if you love me give me the quizzes," and thus end up treating them as sexual objects to satisfy their selfish desires of carnal desires, where God's love has nothing to do there. The message of Hollywood is a passionate and romantic, which involves no commitment, no sacrifice, but only illicit sex and feeling overwhelmed.

If people do not think this way, there would be many pregnant teenagers, and many abortions around the world. This kind of love, the early marriage rate, and shows the marriage as archaic and out of fashion, is very common to hear people say: "Marriage will disappear," is the only arena where enemies sleep together "" miserable about you, you call good evil and evil good. " (see Isaiah 5:21 )

3. Love = Love:
This will call it a misunderstanding, since falling in love is an emotional thing x which is based on a very big emotion, and that is most interesting that has happened up At the moment, but when something interesting happens we'll leave on one side and change our love for the highest bidder (a prettier girl, nicer, more educated, etc..).
Defining IN LOVE the dictionary is: infatuation, sensual and romantic relationships.
Infatuation is contrary to God's love, as this is a selfish love, which only thinks of satisfying himself falling in love like how he feels the other person tries to satisfy the desires of another person as long as they satisfy their own desires. When their desires and aspirations are not satisfied, then gets angry and calls; Being in love does not deny himself, but seeks self-realization and their own selfish satisfaction

The Bible teaches that love is going to be a result of having Jesus Christ dwell in you, therefore we can not expect someone without Christ in his love life as the Bible instructs, would be something completely irrational.
"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, because God is love. "1st John 4:7-8
" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, "Galatians 5:22

The Bible teaches that love is something that will be born in us because Christ dwells in us and his spirit produces love, and that this love was poured into our hearts for us to love (see Romans 5:5 )
The Matrix teaches us that love is not something we should do (because it is normal for a Christian to do so) but something that we feel (guided by emotions and feelings)

To be sure not to confuse let's define what is freedom: Freedom
= natural faculty that man has to act one way or another, and not to act, so it is accountable. Faculty who enjoys well-governed nations do and say they do not oppose the laws or morals. / Is the option an individual has to do what you want, within legal, moral, social and cultural. Freedom
= Gr Luo = Drop the chains, loose, down, undo, remove, break

The Bible makes a lot of emphasis on freedom, and that means we were once slaves to sin, because we were tied to him and wanted to satisfy our own lusts, vain and depraved, and Christ has set us free from the yoke of sin, because He paid the price for our sin, which is eternal death, Paul exhorts us not to return to the yoke of sin "You, my brothers, were called to freedom ; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but through love serve one another. " Galatians 5:13

The Bible encourages us not to continue enslaved to sin, that we not use grace as a reason to continue to sin, but we shed our forbidden passions and be slaves of Christ by love to what he already did.,
"Because this is the God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorance of foolish men: as free, but not as those who have the freedom as a pretext for evil, but as slaves of God. "1 Peter 2:15-16

The Bible defines freedom is that we are no longer in bondage to sin to live under their yoke, but ..

What today has the means and teaches MATRIX freedom is not freedom but is debauchery, chaos, anarchy
The word "debauchery" has its etymology in the Greek word "aselgeia" that means lust (no brakes), sexual freedom, dissolution.
= debauchery Debauchery on how to act or speak. Disrespectful of authority, undermining the rights of others. Anarchy
= disorder, confusion and chaos for lack of authority

Today's youth live in a debauchery;. Today the most famous among the young is the most unruly, the most disrespectful, that more sex is the most vicious.
Our youth have no respect for anything, treat parents as waste, are unfair and unjust. The world has taught the MATRIX they can do whatever they want, they are made to meet your needs, desires and pleasures. The young man has suffered and all the extreme, he smokes a cigarette is smoked 100, has no girlfriend has 3, he has no respect for their parents. Hollywood (The modern MATRIX) taught is right, they do not have to do anything, all is work, make money and enjoy the "freedoms" that the world has to offer.

The MATRIX , is destroying the youth, teaching an anarchy in which everyone can do whatever you want, and use their bodies for anything, sex, pornography, masturbation, drugs, alcohol, etc., ignoring the word says: "Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and your spirit, which are God's. "1st Corinthians 6:19-20
God owns your body, be careful , "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, God will destroy him for the temple of God, who are you, holy. "1st Corinthians 3:16-17

One thing that destroys the MATRIX is the knowledge of God. THE MATRIX has found a way to destroy Christianity, and this is, attacking the young.
The MATRIX attacks with a strong emphasis as well as a ferocious wild animal and knowledge of God through something called "atheism"

Atheism = Denial of the existence of a God;
"The fool says in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, doing abominable works, there is none that doeth good. All have turned aside, they have become corrupt, there is none that doeth good, not even one. "Psalms 14:1,3

Atheism intellectualism has gotten in the faith, the modern man tries to understand God, modern man wants to question why God does what he does? Modern man wants to reach the wisdom of God and are ready to argue and Job God in his sovereignty, The Matrix teaches that we are the product of large cosmic coincidences, and try to understand God in human rules. The MATRIX is limiting God's greatness by placing man in a position where it is equal to God, which as they claim, God can not exist.

The Bible shows us something completely different "Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and the heavens with the span, with three fingers gathered the dust of the earth, and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills weight? Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his counselor hath taught him? Who asked for advice to be notified? Who taught the way of the trial, and taught him knowledge or showed him the path of understanding? Behold, the nations are like a drop of water falling from the bucket, and as the small dust of the balance you are estimated behold, takes up the isles as a powder. "Isaiah 40:12-15

is ridiculous that we as mortals try to understand the immortal creator, instead of being humble and bow where that we can teach and illustrate why we are here. But having the knowledge and evidence to see the creation (An intelligent system), we reject God in our pride and we cherish each other, the modern psychology teaches us: "You are your own God." (In the absence According to them, someone supreme defines what is good and what is evil, then man is the only one able to define that, therefore man is his own God)

"For the invisible things of him his eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what has been made, so you have no excuse. For although they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator , who is blessed for ever. Amen "Romans 1:20-25

Because of the MATRIX and the people who takes his life, God gives you your passion, you want to have sex? Go do it, do you want to be gay?, Go do it, You want to smoke, drink and destroy? Do it, Do you want to break the law, stealing, cheating? Do it. Dear friend, God gives you your own desires, is that what you want? Take it!.

modern thinkers and intellectuals in his pride to bring more than anyone who does not want to belong to the MATRIX, is very common for them to denigrate you if you do not think like them atheists will tell you that you are a brute, not you brain, you believe in unicorns and pink elephants. These atheists are in charge of ridiculing the knowledge of God, using human reasoning to judge a holy God

Dear young, illicit sex is not what you fill, not a good work that will bring fulfillment to your life is not the perfect wife that will make you happy, NO! Not so!
If you love being in the matrix and the matrix do what you teach, you are an enemy of God! And while you do not choose to turn away from this system, turn away from this lifestyle, you'll never experience the love of Christ, let alone the salvation of your soul.

Brother, do not be overcome by this system, the only thing I do is drag you to the most vile of this world. Your flesh, apparently want these things, but the desires of the flesh are contrary to the spirit, and aim to MUIERTE
There are many other tricks of this system: homosexuality, Rock, drugs, depression, self-centeredness, wealth, Afan, etc. There are many ways that will destroy the Matrix and the only solution is Jesus Christ; "Jesus said: I am the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6

Only through Jesus there is life, receive it as your master, y deja que de ahora en delante el gobierne tu vida, y creeme, no necesitaras nada de lo que la matrix te ofrece, para ser pleno. El espiritu Santo de Dios te dará esa paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, y tu vida será cambiada de una manera radical.

Joven amigo; arrepiéntete de tus pecados, y cree en el señor Jesucristo; confía en él, con todo tu corazón; bájate del trono de tu vida, y deja que Jesús sea tu señor; y el perdonará todos tus pecados y todas tus rebeliones. Recibelo, hoy es el dia de tu salvación!
"Venid luego, dice Jehová, y estemos a cuenta: si vuestros pecados fueren como la grana, como la nieve serán emblanquecidos; si fueren rojos like crimson, they shall be as wool "
Isaiah 1:18 God bless you

Writer: Jorge Valle

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Where Can I Find A Cornucopia

Because dirty is good leader-fielder

If the title of this post will make you familiar is because it is the slogan of a popular detergent brand is advertised in the country. When I hear that phrase come to my mind the ideas I learned in the book: 'The positive side of failure' by Dr. John C. Maxwell.

'Dirt is good' ... when it comes to clothes is easy to say. But what happens when it's your life? Listening to people has made me see how most people think about failure, and usually for their failure reflects insecurity, fear, incompetence, punishment, etc..

I think one of the main obstacles to success that everyone must face is the perception of failure. "Failure is good." It makes you learn, you stronger, I instructed, you remember things, I molded ...

Learn from your mistakes and actually end up being wise.

'The positive side of failure': read it! and read this phrase by French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery:

'The failure strengthens the strong. "