Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mixer Blade Dishwasher Ruin

The Christian life is now more likely to COOL, but why?
anyone would like to know why, but relidad the truth is that we cool it because we are gradually losing the love of Christ and his magnificent work on the cross, because we trust in ourselves and because we are guided by our own passions and emotions, and not by the Holy Spirit of God (which is evidence that we are born again) ..

At first we could enjoy wonderful things: 1 .- Visitacion
: these were those beautiful moments where we prayed in our room and God visited us and we would fill with passion, enamorabamos us, we cried, we struck, etc
2 .- Spirituality: this time was when everything was spiritual, it was all demons, all were angels, all was spirit, at this stage did not know what was crusificar meat, this was only stage, demon of disease, demon odor, this daemon daemon that. 3 .- Sensitivity
: This time was that everything was going to focus on our senses, everything was going on emotion, was when things were feeling was when I was excited about something, we had dreams and emcionabamos us, so we felt spiritual hibamos from one side to another, because as humans are a cocktail of emotions, a few days bruised to hell the next day I smashed the hell to me, at this stage there was no consistency, all absolutely depended on my mood. All this was

children in Christ, all started so the FIRST LOVE!
first love, when nothing mattered, when Christ was the only thing, when it was only Christ, when we were "crazy" for Jesus .. but many of us that love unfortunately was extinguished! brothers there is where the gospel comes the HARD ..

is not part of God's plan to lose that beautiful first love, God wants us to lose our first love! God loves you, but not in an external one as you expect! God loves you so much it keeps you supple, comforted you ... Your father would never let you ..

Over time many of us lose our first love, that do not support the maturity, can not stand when God wants to sculpt, we endure when God goes through the shredder, we do not support hunting our own food (spiritual), and we boxed and think why I do not feel all those things described above, is that we cool?, and not necessarily we are right.

Read this Story:
A beautiful story is told of a Christian who dreamed of three women who were praying. While they were on their knees, the teacher approached them.
He went to the first, he leaned toward her with grace and tenderness, with a beaming smile full of love and her voice was sweet and musical.

away from her, went to second, but only put his hand on his head, and gave his approval. He passed the third abruptly, did not stop to talk. The woman in his dream, he thought, how great must be your first love!
The second gave without the approval of the first demonstrations, the third must have deeply offended, because he gave her a single word or even a passing glance. I wonder what he did and why so much difference between them?
While trying to explain the action of the Lord, he approached him and said how bad I've played! The first woman needs all the weight of my love and care to affirm on the narrow road. She needs my love, my interest and help throughout the day. Without fail and fall.

The second has a stronger faith and deep love, and I can rest easy because trust me, no matter what I do people. the third one as you did not notice and even neglected, have faith and love of the finest quality. it's prepared by a rapid and dramatic for a sublime and holy service. She knows me so intimately, and trusts me so much, that does not depend on words or looks or any outward show. Not waver nor discouraged by any circumstances that do happen. Trust me, even when the sense, reason and the finer instincts of the natural heart would rebel. He knows that I do not explain it now, but will understand later, because he knows I'm working on it for eternity.

fell in my love, because I love more than words can express, or the human heart can understand. Callo love for you, to learn to love myself and trust me, without any external stimulus prompted response.

"The Lord is among you, mighty, he will save, will rejoice over you with joy, love shut up, will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

God loves you, so you insita to stir up the gift of God that are in you, I will not tell you avivare, he tells you: avivate! "Therefore I advise you to fan into flame the gift of God that is in thee by the imposition of my hands. "2 Timothy 1:16

All features you felt before the feel, but not very often! not feel that does not mean you're doing it wrong, do not let your spirit be troubled Do not say like David: "Answer me quickly, O Lord, for my spirit faints; Do not hide your face from me" Psalm 143:7 a

Trust in God and persevere, do not let the situation will cool down, do not let the feelings and emotions to dominate you, trust him in the middle of everything, it sustains you, revive thy love, humility always have you had at first, recognize that you are frail, and that you it strong!, acknowledges that nothing may impress you to do, the you did, gave you the capacity, know how far you can get!

is always at the beginning and learn the maturity, so you feel or not feel the look, you visit or not visit you, remember that he said: "behold, I'll be with you until the end of the world"; Disicerne, not everything is spiritual and not everything is carnal, Discern!, Animo! persevere!

Avivate Brother, that thou quench not the spirit and God have to remove the light of your life (your testimony, supported by God to the unbelievers) ..

Brother, if you're reading this and say: "I lost my first love, and not feel the same, gold, and it seems that God does not listen, I try, I persevere, I try not to fall, but it seems I'm doing everything in my flesh", if you think this, I will I say, repent, make new things first, remember when God took you out, remember how wonderful he is, no matter what you feel, go ahead, do not stop, if you do, you'll become a bitter and religious, is Later, yea, it sustains you! when your feet slip that he is the first sustained and tightly hold you, do not rely on your strength, trust in him, no matter what else is around you, clamale, trust, love, steadfast, do not let the enemy beat you this great battle! If the enemy beats you you will become a pillar of salt (no feel, no you do not pray, you are still warm, and your heart will return as Rocky)

Stands Firm! prescencia empty Yourself in the never dismiss you, believe in their promises, put first in everything and remember, never give up your daily communion of heart, remembering that it is a living relationship with the son of God, take time to hear what he has to say .. not to throw out your broken heart ..

Thank you Jesus for giving his life for us! worthless sinners, through Jesus beautiful! Thank you for not abandoning us, because although we have been unfaithful, you remain faithful!

written by Jorge Valle


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