Monday, July 6, 2009

Is May From Pokemon Hot

Lord is thy ransom, your helper! Fueling your first love

Today to day, Christianity is hard! more than every previous generation, social and sexual pressures on young people there are very large ..
People think it's easy, but it is not. increasing sexual perversion, vice and all the passions of youth are more dificles support ..
this message is an emergency SOS message is a youth in crisis, who is dying .. God hears your prayers! read carefully, regains strength, put your faith in Jesus and receive it.

As Christians stand on the rock, brothers, we have to endure! know where our help comes! which always comes from the Lord! God is our helper, he is merciful, beautiful! and holy, and it is not like us! Jesus Christ qualifies us to reach the height of the perfect man, but without him and without his mercy and grace we would not be anything .. Dear Brothers

is dificl, not take refuge in yourself, Christ established a body which supports and helps us! a nail is not removed to another nail, that's the worst council that someone can give you! Jesus only frees you from your problems .. and sometimes he uses his body which could be you or your brother in faith, to get you out of any situation which seems to have no output ..

Brother (a) there is no situation from which you can take Christ: David often cried out to God, Father, I'm dying, I can no more, help .. but after receiving the prompt help strength, said: Father, I know you are faithful and do not leave my soul in the grave ..
David knew that he had failed his God, but never doubt the faithfulness of the Lord, Never! brother no matter what you're going, trust him! He is their help ..

"He lifted me out of the pit of despair, of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. He has put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God. Many will see and fear, and trust in the Lord. " Psalm 40:2-3

miry clay Here the word in Hebrew means yavén too, stools, stool. Brother (s), you now can be in the swampy mud, wallowing in feces and God will take out of there! David trusted in the LORD and many praise his singing and appreciation were as God bag there, to get me (you) of my Father's miry clay, got to get me (you) and it gets dirty my pollution.

"who knew no sin, became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him." 2 Corinthians 5:21

But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

Amigo (a) God loves you and has mercy on you, do not drown in the stool! the hand of Jesus is sipping strong trust in him and Flee the temptations! Do not play with them! Depart from that which causes you to sin, not persist!
not play with sin, talves you'll say: "I'm not playing, esoty run, but I alncanza"
Can a man (woman) fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can a man walk (women) over hot coals without his feet not be burned? Proverbs 6:27-28

The temptation always begins with something small, throw it away, but discard that little thought that small wish, believe me, you will not run when the dragon comes in the form of pornographic films in the form of an ex-boyfriend (a) in the form of a cigarette, in the form of a drink of alcohol.

Your battle, my young friend is in the mind, that is the territory of battle, that's where you're losing ground and that you're falling! waiver of your past, you waive your thoughts, give up what you believe is right. recalls "The heart is deceitful above all things" "There are ways that the man (woman) seem right but its end is death"

Friend, Christ is the head of a body, which is the church, you and I are the church, do not burden your alone (a) with all that weight. dismembered member is useless, but if you are with the body work, do not be self-sufficient! be humble, ask for help! God works travez of men of God! asks for help, someone step talves what you're going, let yourself and also help tool is your help! someone else needs your prayers, your councils, but also your hugs at the right time.

Lord help you, not fear, only trust and resist or flee from the temptations
"Flee also youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with a pure heart to invoke the Lord. " 2 Timothy 2:22
Brother (a) Do not get caught receive the damage, be wise and stay away!! do not be silly, get away from these friends that challenge you to drink, get away from that friend who causes you to smoke or get high, get away from that boyfriend (a) encourages you to fornicate! FLEE, values \u200b\u200bthe sanctity of the Lord .. Just open your eyes, God has for you best friends, friends who respect you, sharing your faith, sincere friends, God has a better boyfriend (s) for you! look at the horizon a man who loves you who respects you, you aconceje that values \u200b\u200byou, a girlfriend who can love you, and give the place that you deserve! and let it be God who chooses your path ..

= Fool is one who does the same things but expect different results. Where do
these you looking for? "Who are you trusting in? "To whom you are praying for love? Who would you open your heart? Who do you tell your most intimate secrets? ..
not act foolishly, stop doing the same things! waiting on the lord and his time will put people, pastors, friends, the groom (a). Quiet, waiting and not give in to vices, not give in to the passions, make not your life.

Jesus came to earth to die for your sins, to settle your account for the sin that would not let you enter heaven. the wine to show love and affection of the father .. trust in him .. He loves you and you showed him .. always remembers the rescue!

Watch this video and you will understand As Jesus Loves You

Everything - You're my EVERYTHING

Many blessings, God keep you, keep fighting

written by Jorge Valle


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