Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Best Black Hair Moisturizer Lotion

be strong!

Could you tell the story of someone who gave so much power (position, prestige, fame, money, etc..) And finished desfraudando many people? I bet you did! Stories and filling the pages of newspapers, news and other media. Politicians, ministers, movie stars, scientists ... in short, where position and influence will find stories of betrayal and broken trust. Why? Character

weak! John C. Maxwell teaches that people will forgive you your faults in competition and even trial errors, but no cracks in your character. Book after book, seminar after seminar ... our society requires us to show high performance in our way of doing things ... but underestimated (and again) the importance of strong character.

How do we strengthen our character? Form a solid character takes time. It is not food-for-microwave ... is food-slow cooking. 4 keys:

1. Fulfill your promises: Make your word a valuable asset.
2. Stick to your values: What are your values? Your life orbiting around them!
3. Do not lie: • 1 Rule: Tell the truth at all costs.
4. Take responsibility: Assume the consequence of your actions. (All!)


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