Monday, October 19, 2009

Spray Tanning Christmas Deals

Gossip Apathy

One of the largest and most destructive enemies within the Church of Jesus Christ is the gossip and backbiting.
Many Christians fall into the evil that comes from hell, this message confronted much your life and mine comparison. No one is exempt from falling into this evil, "Well, we all fall down many times. If one does not fall to speak, that is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body. " James 3:2 (Jerusalem Bible, NBJ)
God hates gossip and the Bible is great judgments and consequences of gossip, then study in depth what is gossip and what this case.

What is gossip?
The gossip is to have information or news about someone in order to destroy or damage, whether true or false.
is rooted in the Hebrew = rachilla criticizing, who travels everywhere / slanderer, gossip, gossip, gossip, gossip.
Gossip is information that travels from ear to ear, travels as fast as telecommunications, gossip has the property which increases the information content as it passes by word of mouth, gossip destroys everything in its path, leaving victims, and often the harm is irreparable (unless Jesus heals the heart of the injured person)

"The same goes for the tongue is a very small part of the body, but is able to speak with arrogance things that irritate. What can burn wood so large because a small fire! And the tongue is a fire. It is a world of evil placed in our body, which contaminates the whole person. Is ignited by hell itself, and in turn inflames the entire course of life. " James 3:5-6 (NIV)
The tongue is a very small but harmful, as it may kindle strife, may irritate people, can damage more than the blows with his bare hands.

"but no man can tame the tongue, which is an evil that can not be restrained, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. " James 3:8-10
Our language is full of poison and no one can tame, this member damage with ease and is one of the factors why many Christians lose their testimony before unbelievers.

Gossip in the congregation
"Do not go spreading slander among your people, and expose the life of your neighbor with false testimony. I am the Lord. "Leviticus 19:16
In small churches is very common to have problems such as the gossip goes from the pastor or the leaders until the sheep, they all realize everything. There is no reliability. All fall into this evil, often the same people pride, jealousy and selfish desires of power or ecclesiastical authority to criticize or take them mutter one who does not think like them. There are times when even the pastors end up talking and muttering about the sheep that actually have a genuine love for God and want to do things according to the word. And there are other occasions that the sheep talking about their leaders or pastors of sheer immaturity and desire for what God is doing through spiritual guides. Satan wins

incredible amount of land when the sons of God whispering to each other and slander or libel. People who like to gossip do so for various reasons, to scale positions to try to look like people who "really care about the Church" for envy, to create groups that support them (they need feel influential).

The biggest problem of gossip is that it starts as "constructive criticism" and ends in libel and slander smearing reputations with the excuse that it is just to point out "sins" for the welfare of the congregation. The problem is that these people, who usually are "the most holy of the church" have a mind of sinful and sin always see what others are doing, but never see the of themselves or the people that make the game and go along.

The 2 main causes of gossip and backbiting within the church are:
1) Pride and arrogance spiritual there is very common because of the authoritarian church, in which the pastor or leadership positions are considered special about the call that God has done and is unquestionable and state authorities began to criticize and even to slander those who think differently to them, question them, or to inquire too much writing. In this case reaches the point where the leadership sees this type of sheep as competition, see him as someone who wants to split the herd and start to smear the rest of the leadership, or begin to murmur about the intentions of it.

2) Immaturity of the flock: This is when the sheep are immature and have little knowledge of the Bible and do not understand why de la reprensión o disciplina y se enojan contra el guía de Dios que la está corrigiendo para su crecimiento espiritual. Estas ovejas comienzan a murmurar sobre el pastor y a difamar las intenciones del mismo y comienzan a regar calumnias entre la congregación, volviéndose de esta manera peligro y división para el rebaño, muchas veces este tipo de creyentes sino cambian su comportamiento terminan “heridos” por el liderazgo y se van de las congregaciones hablando mal del liderazgo.

¿Que provoca el chisme?
Desconfiabilidad: la persona chismosa se vuelve desconfiable ya que nunca puede callar las cosas, todo lo cuenta, entonces la People do not want to entrust their secrets or intimacies, because sooner or later everyone will know the shame of the person. "A gossip reveals secrets; the fair spirit is wise." Proverbs 11:13 (BA)

Enmity: the words of a gossip seem soft and good, but enter and damage to the depths of human beings, causing enmity. "The words of gossip are like choice morsels, and penetrate into the depths." Proverbs 18:8 , A gossip is leaving a string of disasters and damage wherever he goes. Va leaving people hurt, hatred, resentment, anger, depression, etc. "false torments Language that has hurt, and slip a flattering mouth works." Proverbs 26:28

Soledad: gossip finally left alone, and nobody trusts things, nobody wants to close, has caused much harm and becomes a toxic person, by which contaminates every person who is joint, which all avoid it. "A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separates close friends." Proverbs 16:28
The soul of a gossip is not break when in the solitude and this is where God deals harshly with him
"They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way, Sin City to find a place to live. Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them. "Psalm 107:4-5

gossip features
Murmuring : sig. Speak ill of someone behind him, muttering expressing dissatisfaction or complaint, Heb. Dibba = slander, discredit, speak evil, bad name, shame, shame (shame)

The gossip disobeys God and that sin not go unpunished before a holy God, all the gossips are worthy of death, not just those who grumble but pleased with them (see Romans 1:30 , 32 )
think The murmuring against murmuring against servant of God but in reality is murmuring against God. "because the Lord has heard your murmurings which ye murmur against him, for us, what are we? Your murmurings are not against us but against the Lord. " Exodus 16:8 b

God was angry with Israel because they murmured against God, saying they were better in Egypt and God had been high mortality because of so much gossip, and a whole generation perished in the desert because of the plague and did not enter the promised land but only their children (see Numbers 14:2-4, 21-27, 35 )
Mary and Aaron murmur of Moses and God was angry with them and got leprosy all over his body because they spoke against Moses for marrying a bold woman, and Moses spoke face to face with God and God came out in defense of the honor of being his servant Moses chosen (see Number Cap. 12 )

The gossip is always saying bad things, never satisfied with anything, all criticism, nothing seems, is always against everything, always look bad before the good, all is looking for flaws, is a perfectionist and when things do not go as expected, then whispers and criticism. The gossip is often easier to move the language that the arms (to work).

Slander: sig. Falsely attributed to someone dishonorable acts with malice or intent of words. Has 3 roots: gr. Pellets = Satan, the slanderer, the defamer / gr. Blasfeméo = talk bad, revile, speak evil, slandering / heb. Dibba = malign, discredit, speak evil, bad reputation, infamy

With slander is folly, "He who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool." Proverbs 10:18 , Fool (synonyms) = inept, ignorant, stupid, stupid , oaf, simpleton, stupid, stupid donkey.

In our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ also slandered him, saying that the casting out demons by Satan himself, "But when the Pharisees heard it, said," This does not cast out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of demons " Matthew 12:24 , publicly maligned him and beat against the Jewish council, "Jesus said: Why ask me? Ask those who have heard, I talked to them, behold, they know what I said. When Jesus had said this, one of the officers, who was there, slapped him, saying, "answer the high priest? Jesus answered, If I have spoken evil, bear witness to what is evil, and although, why you hit me? "John 18:21-23

The slanderer always tells lies about someone, always exaggerates the events, the slanderer always driven by hatred or unforgiveness toward someone. This person is always stories or inventions talking about a person in order to discredit and humiliate her.
The slanderer will not enter into heaven, "Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He who does not slander with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbor, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor. "Psalms 15:1,3

Defame: sig. Discredit a person publishing things against his good name. Heb. Kjaráf = strip, which exposes your nakedness, blaspheme, defy, decry

The slanderer is one who sets your secrets publicly, is one that reveals your nakedness, is that person that you trusted and you have been exposed in front of everyone.
The slanderer is one that boots your testimony as a Christian, is one that puts you to shame with others to obscure your fruit and virtues in Christ is one who cries and says your mistakes, greatly exaggerates them to overshadow all the good things Christ has done through you.

The Bible commands us as children of God that we submit and not to defame anyone, but to be gentle, not contentious, but loving and kind, Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work. That no libel, not to be contentious, but gentle, showing all meekness unto all men. "Titus 3:1-2

writing is encouraged us to rejoice when we slander, " Blessed if they insult you because of the name of Christ, for the glorious Spirit of God rests upon you. " 1st Peter 4:14 (NIV) , " Blessed are you when you cause revile and persecute you and utter all manner of evil against you falsely, "Matthew 5:11 , when you slander because of Christ and his gospel not be alarmed, Jesus told us in advance so we are not caught by surprise, because the world loves darkness rather than light, so they hate and defame the name of Jesus every time they have a chance

As children of God ought not to defame anyone, apart from your mouth every lie of the enemy and not attack the body of Christ, the church is his bride, does not violate your words, because God himself will come out in defense of their own, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord "

Consequences of Gossip
a) break the laws of God and his holiness
" Do not go spreading slander among your people, or expose the your neighbor's life with false testimony. I am the Lord. "Leviticus 19:16

b) You're an abomination before God Anyone who sows discord among brothers and causes hatred or grudge with murmuring, slander or defamation is an abomination before God You disgust him to God because of your sin (see Proverbs 6:16,19 ) or say you're Christian, "by their fruits", on the day of the trial is likely to hear: "Depart from me ye cursed"

I've been a gossip, what should I do?
Pray to God, repent (change your thinking and turn in your decision). Ask the Lord to keep your mouth and your lips from speaking falsehood, "Turn, O LORD, keep my mouth: keep the door of my lips." Psalm 141:3 recognizes to which you are not able to control yourself and ask your own domain.
If you want to see the good in life, dismisses the gossip in your life, "For he that will love life and see good days refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile; "1st Peter 3:10
we are no longer stumbling blocks for other siblings, let legalism and stop judging other people, "So, we no longer judge one another any other, but rather that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother." Romans 14:13

"Jesus said to his disciples: It is impossible that offenses will come: but woe to him through whom they come! Were better for him to tie him to a millstone neck and he cast into the sea, that he should offend one of these little ones. See for yourself. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him and if he repent, forgive him. And if seven times a day he sins against you, and seven times a day turn again to you, saying 'I repent, forgive him. "Luke 17:1-4

If you have gossiped about you, learn to forgive, the number of times that offend you, but that depends on you, live peaceably with all men. If you have gossiped, go and ask forgiveness for your brother and turn away from gossip, ask Jesus for strength and not fall into this horrendous sin before God. Brother and wipe yourself apart from all impurity and lawlessness, let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit. Persevere and if you fall
repent and continues.

Courage, God bless you

Writer: Jorge Valle,


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