Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Laptop For An Architect 2010

8 ways of thinking

Why and how we think? This is a fascinating subject. But since this is a blog, only 8 will present ways of thinking (which gives us Wikipedia.org)

8 ways of thinking, deductive thinking
  1. : going from general to particular. Is a form of reasoning that suggested a conclusion from one or more premises.
  2. inductive thinking: is the reverse of deductive thinking is that which goes from particular to general. The base is, figuration that if something is true in some cases, it will be similar but can not be observed.
  3. Analytical thinking: makes the separation of all parts that are identified or categorized. Thought
  4. summary: Meeting of a whole by the combination of its parts.
  5. Creative thinking: one that is used in the creation or modification of something, introducing innovations, ie the production of new ideas to develop or modify something existing.
  6. Systems thinking: a complex picture of multiple elements with their various relationships. System derives from the word system, which instructs us to see things in an interrelated manner.
  7. Critical Thinking: examines the structure of the reasoning on everyday life issues, and has two main analytical and evaluative. Try to overcome the mechanical aspect of the study of logic. Is to assess the knowledge, deciding what you really believe and why. Strives for consistency in the knowledge that accepts and between knowledge and action. Thought
  8. interrogative: is thought to be asking questions, identifying what you're interested to know about a particular topic.


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