Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Can I Make Sweet Popcorn

La Soledad

Introduction This is the most difficult time in the Christian life is a time of trial and tribulation. Loneliness consumes the soul in a constant anxiety, in a depression and rejection.

This is a cruel time for the life of a Christian's soul and think this is consumed nobody loves you, nobody is with him, which nobody understands, that no one believes.
Brothers, this is the time when you cry without knowing why, is the time when you see the list of friends and looking to call, because you feel alone is when you sleep in your bed and just sleep and think, many times you cry and do not know why. It is when no one speaks for your birthday or when no one asks how are you, or you're eating, it is when no one apparently cares for you ... ALONE!

What and how is loneliness?
The word alone means in Greek Gr Shemamá: devastated, devastated, devastated, destroyed, ruined, lonely. means: isolation or confinement, lack of contact with other people.
The average human loneliness feels devastated, without purpose, despite having ruined "everything", despite being lonely together, despite being destroyed vivo, depressed and oppressed. Solitude produces: grief, despair and misery.

David had was the same, "I used to groaning, every night of tears flooded my bed, water my couch with my tears. My eyes are worn to suffer, have been worn away because of all my enemies. " Psalm 6:6-7
you away from me my friends, I've made an object of disgust for them I am shut and I can not get out.
Psalm 88:8 "You away from me as friend and comrade, and my acquaintances have placed in darkness." Psalm 88:18

David felt sorrow for the loneliness, God himself had alienated his friends, his colleagues and everyone you know. David being sad, I cried out to God with tears, with weeping and supplication. Not only that, such was the loneliness and sorrow of David that he said that God had forsaken and I did not even remember it.
"Let my prayer to thy presence, incline thine ear unto my cry. For my soul is full of evil, and my life has approached the grave. I am counted among those who go down into the pit, I've become as a man without strength, Dropped from the dead, As the fallen slain that lie in the grave, whom you remember no longer, and they have been ripped from your hand .
Psalm 88:2-5
Brother, the Apostle Paul felt the same about you. Being alone in a cold prison of Rome, alone, helpless and distressed wrote:
"Do everything possible to come to me quickly, for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica . Crescente has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia. Only Luke is with me. " 2 Timothy 4:9-11a

These disciples of Paul, had been abandoned. Brother, on the day of your affliction, your friends, your family, your brothers, you will, Paul was alone and missing the company, including those that had betrayed her time
"Get Mark and bring him with you, because it is useful to me for ministry "2 Timothy 4:11 b
Marcos had betrayed and deserted Paul in Pamphylia, and was both the anger that caused, that Barnabas and Paul split up because of it (see Acts 15 :37-40 )

Purpose of loneliness and grief Dear brother, today, in this day of your loneliness and distress remember this is a time God puts you in the desert so that when you leave, do not be bitter when you betray, do not recent, when you refuse, not hate. God is building, is dealing with your character, is wearing away all your rough edges and is developing your patience, love and dependence on him.
"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." James 1:2-3
In solitude and sorrow God prepares you for the ministry he has for you, so you can test and this situation in your life. "And let these also first be proved, and then exercise the deacon, being found blameless." 1st Timothy 3:10
In this place of solitude deflates you sir, Mr. you bankrupt your prejudices, delicacy, pride, arrogance, haughtiness, pride, arrogance and your lack of faith in this solitude God also teaches you the value of people, the value of your family, girlfriend or wife, friends, colleagues, etc. God teaches you how valuable it is to value your friends and show friends in the midst of affliction from them. Moses

while in Egypt, was of the royalty, have an education, knowledge, was inflated, proud, arrogant, and after he fled into the wilderness God took him 40 years to deal with it, because God in his wisdom knew what was going to do with bassinet and when God called Moses after 40 years, said "Who am I to go to Pharaoh, and out of Egypt to the children of Israel?" Exodus 3:11, Moses was already deflated , humble, gentle and meek that God would work with him.

One of the most important purposes of loneliness is: go back to your communion with Jesus porque a esto has sido llamado (véase 1era Corintios 1:9 ) es necesario que recobremos la comunión con el señor, que le conozcamos que lo entendamos,
“Mas alábese en esto el que se hubiere de alabar: en entenderme y conocerme, que yo soy el SEÑOR, que hago misericordia, juicio, y justicia en la tierra, porque estas cosas quiero, dijo el SEÑOR.” Jeremías 9:24

¿Qué no Hacer en la soledad? Hay cosas que NO DEBES HACER durante la soledad:
1.- Desesperarte: durante la soledad no debes apresurarte to make decisions that will decide wrong, you will decide influenced by your own feelings and emotions.
If you're waiting for a decision, be patient to choose not bad. Your own loneliness will lead you to choose the worst girlfriend, the worst job, worst company
"The soul without science is good, And he who is quick with his feet sins." Proverbs 19:2 . Put your feet on the ground and wait patiently for the Lord, guide you and your foot will not stumble in stone

2 .- depressed: not get depressed, do not be sad, do not look for the album memories and that this will do more damage, leaving everything back "but one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press toward the mark for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13 b-14.
The devil will bring memories of your past, you had, what you left, what you lost, do not give room for all those thoughts, the devil will win the battle in your mind is open throughout the battle won. Do not bring these things to your mind,
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if there is virtue some, if anything worthy of praise, on these things. "Philippians 4:8

3 .- Forsake: not neglect you, mind your physical and spiritual needs, dress up, get handsome or beautiful, bathe, cheer up, do not neglect your health , eat healthy.

What should I do in Soledad?
1 .- cried out to God in your loneliness , clámale God, empty Yourself in his presence, hear you and not leave you. "On the day of my trouble I will call, because you will answer me." Psalms 86:7 "But I cried unto thee, O Lord, And in the morning my prayer shall appear before you. "Psalm 88:13
When you cry to him he listens and responds to your cries.
" he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted, Nor hath he hid his face, but when he cried to him, he heard. "Psalm 22:24

2 .- Repent: loneliness is a perfect time to examine you to light of the Bible, see your mistakes, recognize and repent of them (Gr Methanoea = change your thinking about something / you again for your decision ) this is when you ask God to examine you and David did, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. "Psalms 139:23-24

3 .- Trusting God: amid the difficult circumstances you have to trust God no matter if there is someone at your side or no, God is always by your side and never leave you, your friends will certainly leave you in the midst of loneliness, pain and sorrow, not resent you, do not be bitter, do not burn your heart to hate do not get depressed, just trust in the Lord, he is your light and salvation
Paul in the middle of the abandonment of his disciples says: "At my first defense no one stood with me, but all forsook me will not be taken into account. But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength, that for me might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear. So I was rescued from the lion's mouth. And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen. "2 Timothy 4:16 -18 Only Jesus Christ gives you the strength in the midst of this solitude, trust your hand I sustena and never leave you.

4. Developing Patience: learn to wait on God, loneliness is a time to wait for the perfect will of God, but many give up and will not bear being alone, so looking company and when they get desperate grab any company (girlfriend, wife, friends , etc.)
"we also rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and patience, experience, and experience, hope: and hope does not disappoint," Romans 5:3-5a
exult in the Lord at this time, learn to wait on the perfect will, not leave you through this time awaits.

5 .- To evaluate the company's Amid the loneliness must learn to value the people you've slighted, because in those moments alone always remember how you have mistreated people and how you despised. Being alone reconsider your day with these people act and how you can help even talk to any of them. We have the example of Paul mentioned above, he had dismissed Mark, but being alone in a prison in Rome, he writes to Timothy to bring Mark, because this is useful for ministry (see Acts 15:37-40 , 2nd Timothy 4:11 b )

Helping Others
Brother, learn from your own loneliness and grief, do not be indifferent to the pain of your neighbor, Christ works through His body, the Church, you are the church you are the hands, mouth Christ's arms, resist with your brother's affliction, with the council, calls, messages, words of encouragement, show friend. "The man who has friends must show friend and friend is closer than a brother."
Proverbs 18:24 Love your brothers, do not bring your own problems where they, but if it receives have their own troubles, are you a true friend and Christian, show as such.
"loves at all times the friend, and it's like a brother in times of trouble." Proverbs 17:17 "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Unanimous among you, not haughty, but associate with the humble. "Romans 12:15-16b

So, amid the sorrow and loneliness of your friend, DO NOT LEAVE , show as say you are, friend.
not abandon and betray your friend in her distress when I needed you most, your smile, your embrace, your voice, your prayers and your concern may be the tool to use Christ to bring encouragement and healing to life Your friend.

is easy to say friend, I love you, I unconditionally, that's easy. But to show friends, it is not easy, do it! Many times we are so blinded in our own struggles and do not mind the struggles of others (because to each his own struggle is the largest and most difficult). Brother, is likely to seek help when you are in grief and loneliness, and that friend you reached out one day need the hand of Christ through you, look at your hands, that are Christ's hands, put them to service of the body! Conclusion

Brother, if you're in the midst of loneliness clámale the parent, look for it, empty Yourself out before, no one else can get there.
God is merciful and he knows how to surround yourself with true Christians are sons of God who your true friends and alone in solitude and grief will come out who are these friends, many will leave when we most needed (as happened to the Apostle Paul) and many others will be an instrument of Christ to give you strength in the midst of this process by which the Lord is going on, so remember that the glory belongs to Christ as he works through his real children.

Brothers, solitude is necessary, do not get depressed, learn to worship the Father in spirit and truth and learn to appreciate the situation and depend on it. God did not send you to live in solitude, "The Lord God said: It is not good that man should be alone; will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18.

loneliness is a matter that must be passed, which is great calling and the ministry God has for you, so Moses and takes you to the desert wilderness to build your character and what desinflarte think you know. So in this time have to be humble and meek. and that the more you hard longer it will stay in the desert, you have to let Christ cleanse your heart and open your eyes, that depends on it.

My advice is: love, cry, pray. Learn to rely on and use this time to ask you the true surround himself with Christian friends, people who are friendly when they should be and not being rejected or hide, but you extend a helping hand.

Brother, if you know this friend in solitude and grief, go and offer to Christ through you, if you are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, God tells you who that person, invite her to coffee , send a message, check it, show that Christ loves them through you, and God's love is unconditional to him preach unto them with your life, with your support,
"loves at all times a friend and in time of trouble is more than a brother, do not forget"

Brothers, there is always someone who needs your Stay away and tell him you can count on me (which is true), it will always be someone who needs to check it out, the talk, not even being asked if I ate or if you are in good health. Please do not forsake your brother, do not! He needs Christ and you can guide him. God bless you

written by Jorge Valle

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La Soledad - Jorge Valley



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