Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How To Add Friends On Poptropica

True Worshippers (Audio Available for Download)

Today is essential for proper communion with God, we reach the climax! God wants us to experience the extreme love for Jesus Christ. And not have the same relationship with Jesus apathetic; us become worshipers in spirit and in truth. We can not know God, but go with a broken and contrite heart, and with a desire and passion for him.

Brothers, within us there must be a desire, a yearning, a fire, to seek the Lord, and today, the Lord wants to confront us and liberate us so that we can approach him with all our heart and passion for him. Very few manage

that intimate communion with the heavenly father, because they never fail to be worshipers, never get long and love Jesus as required, and as the law demands it.

What is Worship?
Worship means reverence and honor something that is considered divine, prayer, love, love in the end, bow, honor, exalt, revere, venerate. Exalt
= gr. Juper , superior, above, beyond, beyond, highlights, praise or lifting someone. Bowing
= heb. Shakjá; worship, kneel down, worship, humiliation, bending, bowing. Honoring
= gr. Sébomai; worship, pious, God-fearing. Revere
= heb. Kjafétes; please, please, please volunteer.

John the Baptist said "He must increase, but I must decrease (to less decrease in size)." John 3:30 , you must get off the throne of your life, you let someone else rule you, you have to leave to send or direct you, your own life, and make it available service and God. You must abandon the pride, you must humble yourself and recognize that if not for his grace, you could not stand.

Who deserves to be adored?
"Therefore God exalted him (Jesus) to the highest (higher), and gave him a name which is above every name, that name Jesus every knee should bow of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. "Philippians 2:9-11
'Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan, it is written, worship the Lord thy God, and Him only you shall serve "Luke 4:8

Lord our God alone is worthy of all praise , just him, he deserves all the glory and honor and power, for it is all the excitement, he is worthy to receive honor and power, because it was sacrificed on the cross (see Revelation 4:11, 5:9,12 )

The only thing worthy of worship is our Lord, we are the slaves of love, he is our father and master, and sovereign God, and he always is glory, our love expressed to the maximum power is for him.

loves worshiper How?
Many Christians are tired because of his frenetic religious activity. Need to stop and sit a moment to contemplate the panorama, is a savior, there is a gentleman, and most importantly for him is to love him with all our being. Ask yourself: Why do you serve the Lord? Why do what you do? Do you obey and obey?; Jesus taught: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. "Mark 12:30

loves Jesus with your heart
gr. kardia,
center of something, thoughts, feelings (mind).
Heb. Lebab; soul, spirit, ardor, desire, intellect, spirit, intellect, will

David a man after God's heart was always in his heart to the Lord, sincerely yearning know the heart of God, he had a zeal and a desire for the house of God; "And David took me will build a house in his heart the name of the Lord God of Israel." the 2nd Chronicles 6:7
The heart that loves, loves God with all sincerity, with all understanding, and delight in his presence; "Your presence begged with all my heart, Have mercy on me according to your word." Psalms 119:58
Supplications " by the presence of God? "Beg for his love, by having him around, to hear it?. Many will just beg the Lord for material things, vain or temporary one will cry wife, a home, but do not weep for that he appeared before us .. and that's what he wants!

God asks of you a sincere love for your feelings and thoughts, other than a word or speech, but inwardly and true. "It says," The Lord: "These people approached or me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me, and their fear of me is a commandment of men that they has been taught, "Isaiah 29:13

Brother, pay close attention, Isaiah says this town is about, I mean that if in the church, if present in prayer, if you sing, if fast, if and give honor, honor silo, if they think, if "love" (religiously), but they do with their mouths, their words, their language, with such . Vainly glorifying him because their desires, their sincerity, they are aloof, distant and widely removed from it. And all the fear, reverence and respect that we offer are pure vain customs of men, religious traditions have taught us.

Many have been trained as pets to do what they are taught, and these do not bother to see because they are doing these things. There is ignorance among the people of God, many raise their hands and do not know why, others are dropped, because the majority falls, other parrot what they say and not squint.

There are many who served and serve in churches, and think that alone pleases God, the service is part of the honor to God, but that's not enough, if your service is no heart, no good, is hollow and vain! Others are subjected to all that men teach, they are due to a structure of men, they honor their leaders or pastors, but are more afraid of them, that the same God of the Bible. Church teach people to love God above all things, not teach them to love the church or the pastor, teach them to submit to Jesus Christ and to obey Him and then the Holy Spirit guide them to their church they love and honor the men and women of God. Do not be like the hypocritical Pharisees who made the synagogue his kingdom, and the chair of Moses his throne (see Matthew 23, Colossians 2:20-23 ) "But in vain they worship Me, teaching for doctrines commandments of men "Matthew 15:9

Brother, God does not want your religion, he does not care if you're rich, poor, slave, free, woman or man, he wants your heart. Test your heart and God knows what is in it, Love it honestly, he knows if we sincerely seek Him; "I LORD search the mind, I try the heart, stop giving to each according to his ways, according to the fruit of their works. "Jeremiah 17:10

loves Jesus with your soul Alma
= gr. Psuche ; breath of life, vitality and mood.
Heb. Nefesh; longing, desire, craving, appetite, passion, desire, interior, intimate.
God wants inside you crave it, you're passionate for it, want it. Your soul is your soul, your breath of life, God wants to be your everything, your biggest passion. Your will and your desires are for him
David longed for the house of God, he had a burning desire for God, he was like a light that was constantly burning desire for God; "my almo and even longs ardently for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my dog \u200b\u200bmeat as the living God. "Psalms 84:2

God wants to love him with your life, your existence, your life, your whole life; " I praise, O my soul, Lord. Praise the Lord in my life, sing praise to my God while I live. "Psalm 146:1-2 ; David had an insatiable thirst for God, rest in God and trust him with your whole being; " God , You are my God; At dawn I'll look, My soul thirsts for thee, my flesh faints for you, in dry and barren land where no water, "
Psalms 63:1 God wants your soul and it are stuck with each other; "My soul is attached to you, Your right hand has sustained me." Psalms 63:8

Paul understood what it was to love the soul, desire, passion he knew what he was giving his will, his dreams, desires, purposes, plans, projects, all her life for loving the one who saved "If anyone thinks they have confidence in the flesh I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, in terms of law, a Pharisee, concerning zeal, persecuting the church as to the righteousness which is in the law, blameless . But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. And I count all things loss for the excellence of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost everything, and I have to refuse, to win Christ. "Philippians 3:4-8

God wants you to deliver your whole being, your whole breath of life, he wants your life whole and complete, God loves you with an everlasting love and wants you you to deliver you with everything you have.

loves Jesus with your mind
Mind = gr. Diánoia; deep thought, mental ability, depth wise.
We love the man with the intellect, our mind requires us to give you enough reasons to love it. Those reasons are found in the word of God, she bears witness to Jesus, believing and obeying are changed; "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, Hoce wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. "Psalms 19:7-8

" Be not conformed to this world but be transformed (metamorphosis) by the renewing of your mind (mind, intellect , think), to prove what is the good will of God, pleasing and perfect. "Romans 12:2 ; The word of God is gradually changing your way of thinking, removing all the old knowledge, all wisdom the world, animal, earthly and devilish, and this word gives you new arguments, new knowledge, understanding the God you love, you learn from him who he is; word leads you to Christ. But all this new knowledge must be accompanied by your heart, because if you do not, the same knowledge envanecerá you, but love builds! Think

meditate on the word, escudríñala, disciérnela, study it, is your food day and night "Tremble, and sin not; Meditate (think, I reason) in your heart (mind, mind, heart) on your bed, and be still "Psalms 4:4

" Love the Lord your God with all thy heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today be upon your heart, and diligently to your sons and shall talk of them being in your house and walk along the road, and at bedtime, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be between your eyes and write them upon the doorposts of your house and on thy gates "Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Brother, always searches the word you should try to always carry the Bible everywhere, repeat it, meditate on, teach, prepare your heart to use, always walks with the word, because she is a light unto your path

Love God with your mind is to obey All this is a set, obey the word with all your soul and with all your heart, God wants obedience hollow, God does not want robots who only do what they tell you, the fans want children, he wants a wife (the church) love with her husband (Christ)
"shall not depart from your mouth, this book of the law, but day and night meditate on it, to observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then you will be fine. " Joshua 1:8; You can have sincerity in your heart and you blindly give your soul in your devotion to Christ, but also must be understanding than you think. Based either your faith and love in the King of kings

loves Jesus with your forces
Forces = gr. lsjús , power, power, force, vigor.
Heb. mead; extreme forces, external, largely, to not being able to contain very large, very tall, very much, to not being able to count on your current
affection for the love of God, power through physical exercise (explicitly demonstrative)

"I praise you, O Lord my God with all my heart (sincerely), and glorify your name forever. Psalms 86:12 Praise
= heb. Yada ; Throw a stone or an arrow with force and accuracy to a place far, acclaim, praise, confess, glorifying, exalting
Dance = heb. Jalal; shine, to show, to boast, celebrate, crazy, crash, joy, boast, noise, lighting, greatly
Praise his name with dancing, with tambourine and harp to him sing. Psalm 149:3

"And they brought the ark of God's house Abinadab a new car, and Uzza and Ahio drove the cart. And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, with songs and harps lyres, tambourines, cymbals and trumpets. "1st Chronicles 13:7 -8

Michal David's wife, seeing that David danced and praised the Lord with all her might, she despised him in her heart, and David said, not for you I dance but to God, and because of him I'll take lower and vile. (See the 2nd Samuel 6:16,21-22 ) David, it was clear from all the jumping, screaming, jumping, dancing, the physically demonstrated what he had in his heart, he does not care who saw it or what people say, he wanted to please God, he I wanted to show with all his strength he loved the Lord. God wants you to show him what abounds in your heart, you want to shine with love songs and dances.

EYE! God does not want only your external praise, your physical demonstration of joy, he wants true worship with sincerity of heart, God does not want your songs and music if they are not accompanied by a genuine devotion, you have your life in sin, and have not gone to the throne of grace, but you regret it is impossible that your worship is true, nothing is a physical expression and tui external worship and that God does not want; "Away from me crowd (crowd, lots) of your songs (lyrics, singing, psalm), I will not hear the melody (piece of music, rhythm, musical sound) of your instruments. " 5:23
loved God does not reject your worship in music, he turns away when you give only the external and your heart is rotten.

Unfortunately, we are so full of man-made structures that more than worship God seem concert in Vina del Mar, which is off while people in their hearts and their souls, the continuous function because there is an agenda, there is a "order" to attend, and instead of stopping those functions that are abhorrent to the Lord, and turn to repentance and genuinely seek His face, still imitating the Pharisees hypocrites, maintaining a fake, a dogma of men, mere appearances, Lord have mercy on us!

worshiped in spirit and in truth
After Jesus confronted the Samaritan woman with her sin, she changes the subject, as well as anyone proud, religious, does not want to talk about his sin and herself opens the issue of worship, but always with the religious point of view.
"Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem is the place to worship. Jesus said: Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. " John 4:20-22

Brother, many think of as religious believe that is the what the worshipers do think that is a name x that makes worshipers, think it is a way to praise and worshipers that makes them think that certain type of music is what makes worship, NO!
Worship is a heart attitude, is a lifestyle. Worship is not a ceremony or a formula, but a spiritual reality that is in harmony with the nature of God which is spirit and in truth, I mean transparent, honest and consistent with the Bible.

God wants a passion for it, Mr. longs ardently, and he hopes his children praise him with all the passion and infatuation in their hearts. Our father wants a complete end love, he wants humiliated hearts, he wants full of broken hearts and a burning fire in your heart that can not be turned off by anything.

"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is Spirit; and those who worship Him in spirit and in truth must worship. " John 4:23-24

= True honest, truthful
will worship = gr. Proskuneo , kiss, like a dog licks his master's hand. Crouch, prostrate oneself in homage, plead.
You can not worship in spirit unless you are born again as a result of your sin, you are dead spiritually, Romans 6:23 says, "the wages of sin is death (spiritual separation)"
If you are truly Christian, you will want to have a personal relationship with Jesus, you will want to worship your heavenly Father. Church, open your eyes, look to your God

Brother seeks the Lord, become a worshiping, God loves you and he wants a perfect bond of love with you, wants you to stroke ahead of him. "Arise, cry at night, the beginning of the watches; Pour your heart like water in the presence of the Lord," Lamentations 2:19 a

Dear brother, become from this day on a worshiper, which the only thing that matters to you is to worship the Lord and to walk humbly before him.
Take the example of the woman with the alabaster jar and breaks the bottle to get out the smell of the perfume, he breaks your heart, destroy them before the Lord to get out the fine aroma of your heart, which is pleasing to the Lord, and leave a side the pride and humble yourself before your operator, anhélalo, excite, fall in love with JESUS! God bless

written by: Jorge Valle eldesafiocristiano@hotmail.com


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True Worshippers - Jorge Valle

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Can Cauterization To Erosion Damaged The Cervix

more ... "Gently? Enjoy the ride

To become the me that God wants me to be , I live in the Spirit. And that there is nothing religious, but rather means that God gives me freedom to love others, and joy to enjoy every moment.

God wants me to be the best version of myself, not a copy from anyone. God I want to improve, not exchange. He has a unique plan for me only because God is not a mass producer, is a craft artist. To become God that I designed, I have to deal ... more smoothly.

Many think that please God I have to try harder, stronger. But that will only lead us into a false sense of accomplishment and heroism. A focus on ourselves. Only to realize that in the end, our effort was not really enough.

the end, God wants fluyamos in his Spirit. Not to go against him. God designed us to good works ... and when we flow in the river, we get closer to its purpose. Trying smoothly.