Monday, August 24, 2009

Rom Image Failed Heartgold

Pastors ministerial authoritarian abuses in the Gospel

Dear Brothers! today there is another common problem in the church of Jesus Christ, this problem is the abuse of authority by some pastors or leaders, dear brother, remember what the word of God says: "Obey your leaders and submit to them; because they watch for your souls as they that must give account, that they do so with joy and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. "Hebrews 13:17

word of God says, exposes you the leaders and pastors as they watch for your comfort, remember, so pastors are human like you and me can be wrong and for this reason you should not complain about them or disrespect them, but by no means have to bear these same rule over you or subjugate you.

especially in the Churches in Latin America there are many sheep wounds and battered by their same leaders or pastors, the latter are responsible before God for sheep als and a fear of doing the job fall strange treatment, carnal and little Bible to the flock. There are spiritual leaders who seek part of the congregation of blind obedience and mindless submission to his authority. You as a child of God and you can not fight with your authorities, if these are substantiated in the Bible

The authoritarian leader is shown as unquestionable and irrefutable someone with some degree of pride and arrogance. Set is also characterized by many rules (do not misunderstand me, standards are good and necessary), too many rules regarding the worship and service to God, thus returning to the bondage of the law (ceremonial and legalistic).

"but now knowing God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to bondage? You observe days and months and seasons and years. I'm afraid of you, who has worked in vain. "Galatians 4:9-11

This system of authoritarian leadership declared incorrigible and unquestionable but it never will say openly, such pastors or leaders can never be encouraged by anyone, much less their own sheep.
urge = parakaleo: pray, pray, encourage, admonish, encourage, comfort, exhort.

"The word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom "Colossians 3:16 a
The true shepherd of God's own heart has the humility to receive encouragement and suggestions from the body of Christ. they put discipline and authority, themselves often fail to meet even their own rules, becoming that way as the Pharisees hypocrites.

"In Moses' feel the scribes and Pharisees. So everything I say to observe, observe and do, but do not ye after their works, they say, and do not. They bind heavy burdens hard to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders, but they did not lift a finger to move them. "Matthew 23:2-4
This system puts too strict and heavy rules regarding external issues (arrival times , departure times, dress, hairstyle, posture, manners, etc) by putting extra weight to those who serve under them, but when they do not meet their own parameters, no one can say anything because they are the "Authority" and only they would have access to correct, mistreat or humiliate those who do not. Many times act with arrogance, arrogant and proud saying "Sheep can not correct the shepherds, nor children can be corrected parents ", the truth is that the Bible says that we are all sheep of the shepherd, " The Lord is my shepherd ", Jesus aconceja us and says:" do what they tell you but never be like them .

These leaders or pastors abusing ewes humiliation and verbal abuse, psychological manipulation or threats (to make them feel rebellious, disobedient, or wanting to take away position within the same church, etc.) if people who are low or they not meet the standards set by them on issues where the Bible makes absolutely silent. (there are things that the Bible does not mention, but are required to apply for the proper functioning of the body, God respects the authority of the man and asks us to submit to it).

These leaders are silent on the sheep, they put a vozal, they take away the right to challenge attitudes, which often go against the Bible, and they ask is that the sheep submit blindly. They try to have the leaders or the sheep into submission without disernir anything, just to submit that he is the "anointed" and you!
and this my dear friends is unscriptural, as the scriptures admonish and exhort you to discern everything, and to try the spirits.
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets have gone out around the world. "1st John 4:1

Submit to one another in the fear of God. Ephesians 5:21
brothers, you should not submit unless you are in the Lord, before you to prove what he says the predicardor, or leader and discern in the light of writing, or perhaps your pastor can not go wrong? "we will not be getting the unquestioning of the papacy in the pastorate of the church of Jesus Christ?
"These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily whether those things were so." Acts 17:11, the Bible shows an example of how to request the Thessalonians reviewed the words of Paul to see if this was in accordance with sound doctrine. I wonder why I should be different about us?. It is the duty of all God's children to discern the words preached in the light of the Bible.

Moreover, brethren, the church leaders are autocratic leaders who lord over the congregation, but servants who exercise authority with tact and
"Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking care of her, NO by force (Gr.anankastós = compulsive, compulsory, by force), but willingly (Gr. jekousíos = at will; decision, provision, or personal intent of receiving correction); not for dishonest gain but eagerly, not lording (Gr. katakurieúo = control, subjugate, impose, dominate, dominion) on which are you, but being examples (Gr. tupos = model, example, Semaj) of the flock. "1st Peter 5:2-3

precisely what the blind Pharisee is not to be the model of wanted the sheep out, he would tell the congregation was not timely and punctual, he said: order, and he was messy, he said: be humble and meek, and he was proud. a true pastor or leader, according to the heart of Jesus Christ, Jesus modeled and invites his sheep to be imitators of him as long as a model of Christ. "Be imitators of me as I follow Christ." 1st Corinthians 11:1

The passage of 1 Peter contains a call to shepherd the flock of God. The word "feed" conveys the concept of goodness, kindness and peace. who has had the opportunity to watch a shepherd will have noticed that all work involving the care of animals, this is the one to be gently and quietly.

The sheep is a defenseless animal that easily gets into trouble. The good shepherd leads a peaceful spirit and spread through their own behavior animal pusado slow. Violent and aggressive movements tend to scare the herd.

To clarify, the Apostle Peter specifically instructs the elders to not rule over the flock. The dictionary defines the term as "control, subdue, have dominion, prevail."

These definitions reveal an aggressive spirit of competition that seeks a position of supremacy over others comes with the implicit message that the pastor deserves that position of superiority to be better than others, either because of their role, for his gifts or by calling.

In practice, this approach produces tension-filled congregations. word of the pastor can not be questioned because it has greater authority than others. The pastor has the right to decide for others without giving them the opportunity to think or engage in the process. Can impose changes in the congregation without consulting anyone, simply because of the pastor. All decisions that others want to take must be approved by him. no project can advance if he has not given his "approval."

You've probably noticed that this has pretty sickly shades. However, it is very sad to see the number of congregations that work with these parameters. Pedro offers an alternative this model: that the pastor / elder is an example. In this approach the emphasis is on the leader's life.

Called to be more concerned about their own behavior by monitoring whether others obey or take into account. The reason is simple: the factor that most affects the transformation process in others is the impact of a holy life.

The pastor must not coerce others, but, with his own devotion, must influence them to become like Christ. That tremendous challenge! But well worth investing in this leadership style. The people to whom you minister will never be the same!

Sins of Pastors
authoritarian pastors today seem to fall prey to one or more of the following sins while exercising their ministry.

1 .- Idolatry: The sinful desires of some men to always be in control, especially controlling the lives of the Lord's sheep. Such sin is but a thinly veiled attempt to play God. And erremos, such men become like God for his flock. Hardly surprising that pastors with such sinful tendencies eventually reach almost papal infallibility achieve in their churches.

Paul's command to Titus in "rebuke with all authority. Anyone despise you "Tito 2:15, is the key verse in practice, but is also a precept. Usually the idolatrous sin of control is accompanied by an angry spirit, and generator warning of anxiety as the authoritarian leader will not tolerate the loss of atoms in their personal universe of control (see Ezekiel 34:4, Matthew. 20:25, 1st Pedro. 5:3).

Such self-deified pastors congregations that have produced more fear of offending the shepherds as they do to counteract his Lord and Savior.

2 .- Lack of Prayer: Pastors authoritarian not rely on prayer for his people as the primary instrument ordained by God to the edification of His people. As a result, verbally coerced and intimidated the people to conform. Looking solely rely on the "arm of flesh" from his own strong-arm tactics. Such

more trouble carnal pastors scolding, threatening, manipulating, comparing and "exercising discipline" to make its people conform to their desires that performed before the throne of grace looking for that supernatural work of the Spirit who conforms to holy image of Christ (see 2 Corinthians 3:18 ). The Word of God clearly says that all pastor's arsenal includes the rod and staff. But also emphasizes the importance of intercessory prayer for the growth of God's people

3 .- Disbelief: Many pastors do not believe that Christ is Lord of His true church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Do not believe that God the Holy Spirit is Lord of the church, and that conforms to God's people in His image. Do not believe that God the Father exercise His Fatherly love and His discipline in the lives of their adopted children.

In their unbelief, which follows closely on the heels of his own lack of prayer, pastors develop authoritarian mentality, "If I do not do this, they will not do!" Or "If I do that do this, who would will? "I really do believe that the Holy Spirit will supervise your people and convince them of sin when they are away from the pastor.

Sadly, such pastors create a "police mentality" in their congregations where everyone's life is monitored and inspected carefully for any deviation and the "sins" are to be reported to the church leadership immediately.

4 .- Pride: Many pastors sin of pride, pompous and arrogant, believing that because they have a level of authority given by God, are better than the rest of the leadership or the flock in general. for that reason be declared by someone unquestionable and incorrigible whom they consider spiritual drink, Ingore that God is sovereign in its creation and he can send a baby to spiritual or mundane that urge. (A mundane me urge me not me outside the church, I say it properly) if he did talk a mule, what is impossible for God?, ANYTHING!

"Before destruction is pride, and before the fall of a haughty spirit."
Proverbs 16:18 "The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day." Isaiah 2:17

The pastor or leader is about to be broken, God hates and abhors the proud, I mean that God You disgust you, if you like that. Who do you think you are? How do you plead unquestionable? How do you press your leaders or sheep? How dare you refer to slavery of the law to those who book the yoke Christ with their blood?, It is very easy to fall into pride and arrogance when people you greatly enhances the Emperor Constantine said: "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely ", making it necessary that Christians pray for our spiritual leaders to avoid falling into that game of Satan.

"For who makes you different? What hast thou that thou didst not receive? And if you received it, Why do you boast as if you had not received? "1st Corinthians 4:7
All that the leader has come from the Father of lights, so this should not enoberberce, should be humble and seek God more and even learn to change the theological and positioned himself to be gentle to apologize for the harm it does to the flock.
A true shepherd of Jesus Christ known publicly acknowledge when he's wrong, knows apologize to those who have abused. A Proud pastor never apologized and that this justifies the need not apologize because he is the authority and every move when he wants.

5 .- Legalism: These pastors are falling to the whole congregation into legalism, because this style grazing you ladies and gentlemen, requires the congregation to keep the whole law, the law makes it back and get hard and heavy loads to carry, serve as a stumbling block and despise the grace of God, " of Christ unto you, whosoever that you are justified by law, have fallen from grace."
Galatians 5:4 Brethren, no one can enforce the law, NO ONE! you can not subjugate the people, the law was given to know what sin is. Authoritarian

Pastor will impose rules and regulations and statutes, more than they already are in the Bible, the rules are good and help keep order, but these pastors can never overlook the failure human standards imposed, Jesus said: "But in vain they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men: the washing of pots and cups drink, and do many other such things. " Mark 7:7-8

this type of pastoral care more about external things, appearance, punctuality, dress things really imnportan the spiritual (faith, hope, love, joy, peace, etc). Need for service to God and give him the best, but more importantly should not be external, never, it should always be more important that we reflect on the person of Jesus in our lives.

For this pastor who is legally his own words are like words of God and according to no-one can be frustrated because God speaks to him and not you, (that implies that attitude) so you have to submit to ALL what he says, simply because he says so. and because in some ways the Bible supports it. but failed to take advantage as the work is for the sake of the flock and not desnoestos interest. thus subjecting the Christians to their leader is more love and loyalty to duty and yoke.

6 .- Opocision : Unfortunately this type of pastor opposes Authoritarian God in his holy commandment, as Jesus said: "And he said 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. " Mark 16:15, and these pastors, do not give you the freedom to preach the gospel, as this style of pastoring is carcateriza for restricting the free will of Christian talk Christ, as it requires the Christian to submit and seek approval of the "anointed" to preach the word, when in fact the commission is something every Christian should do and no man has the moral or spiritual authority to tell him or not to permit you to do so. The Tell you can not preach without permission is exactly what they were doing the Jews in time of the apostles and this resulted in persecution of true Christians!

Something very classic in this authoritarianism, is that these pastors tell you that God will not bless your preaching just because they're under siding or order sumicion gave you not to preach (no order of men are superior to the commands of God, no matter what these are). They will close the salvation to those who could receive the gospel. " woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go, nor allow those who are entering entering. " Matthew 23:13

They want to control everything you do, what you preach, who were preaching, with whom you interact, etc.. want to control even what you do in your spare time and how to manipulate you do not miss a meeting or event, because if you do then you do not love the work of God or you're a rebel! Authoritarian pastors will tell you that you are always a rebel or kid, if you think differently to them! clarified that leaders need to know the doctrine which is preaching and your pastor have to know several things in your life as a shepherd knows the sheep, but by no means he is entitled to submit to force or make you feel guilty not obeyed to the letter.

Dear brother, do not let yourself be dominated, submit in the Lord to your higher authority, test the spirits, discerning please, for God has given this writing, no abuse or threats supports your ecclesiastical authority, obeys the rules of the church because they are necessary, remember that Jesus made you free, do not be bitter or marginalized if they can not meet with the laws of men. Never stop preaching
no matter what you say your leader or pastor, preaching is a mandate from God! "Preach the word, be instant in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine" 2 Timothy 4:2-3

And remember, you need to obey God rather than men, never let anyone tell you otherwise, the word of God is always supreme because it is the revealed word of Jesus Christ to men, "Peter and the apostles answered and said, We must obey God rather than men."
Acts 5:29 "For do I now persuade men, or God, or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

Your pastor can guide you and correct you as to the preaching but never limit yourself to it. Never let anyone cut the word of God in you. Within you flow rivers of living water, remember that the Holy Spirit is also within you. God speaks to you too, not just the pastor, because Jesus is the great Shepherd, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." John 10:27-28

Brothers, you have the freedom of Christ and your unconditional loyalty is to Christ, pray for our authorities and Let's honor them, but never take your eyes of Jesus, is he who must obey unquestioningly.

is surprising that those ministers and cults that are out of spiritual authority, with the cynicism of those who call rebels sticking to the Scriptures the question, calling for reforms to authoritarian practices, they refuse to participate in illegal and reported. In other words, there are religious systems that are in rebellion, and rebels who call those who act in accordance with the authority of the teachings of Jesus. Incredible!
always discerning the word of your pastors, love themselves because they take care of you, do not despise, but neither greatly appreciated.

word is not always your pastor preaches from God, not always all council comes from God, open your eyes, discerning, remember that your pastor is human like you and he too can make mistakes (nobody is free of error) "Therefore, if your brother sins against you, go and rebuke him you and him alone; If he listens, you have won your brother. " Matthew 18:15 The New Testament teaches that if our neighbor is in sin, we have a duty and commitment to confront their failure. Refusal to do so is sin. Is a lack of love.

In fact, not only have the right to question them. We also have the right to abandon and leave their sphere of influence if they refuse to correct their behavior immoral or twisted teachings. Notice what Christ teaches about: "Let them alone: \u200b\u200bthey be blind leaders of the blind, and if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the hole." Matthew 15:14

Save your life and your leaders, do not rebel against them, love them. pray for them to fall, so do not fail.

NOTE: This document is explicit the ministerial abuse, remember to obey their pastors because they are a blessing, remember that we must always be praying for them, idolize never, never love without measure. intercede for them, are human and can fall, is up to the people of God in his prayers constantly pray for it gives you spiritual food, remember that after all they are instruments of God, do not speak ill of them, obeys the rules within your church unless they contradict what the scriptures sent.



If you are interested in this and issue, leave your comments in order to expand .. Blessings

written by Jorge Valle


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