Sunday, February 27, 2011

Breathlessness And The Menopause

Innovation "Intelligent?

Do you know someone very good at math but that is a bad football player? What a great writer but a criminal at Karaoke? Or have a friend who enjoy talking and spending time with him but who did not fare very well in school?

bet you did! But ... Why? A man was made the same question: Why people seem to be smart in certain subjects while others are ... incompetent?
M. Howard Gardner was called and was the creator of a theory called: Multiple Intelligences.

Gardner proposes that intelligence is not confined to the unit or IQ. One can be intelligent in many different areas of mathematics (the sport, for example).

In this announcement, Turkish Airlines, Kobe Bryant tries to cook, the chef of the aircraft tools try to play basketball. I think both after this simple experiment agree with Gardner that intelligence is multiple.