Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Does A Cb Linear Do

Why people follow you on Twitter? Trying

If you're reading this post to generate more followers on Twitter, it would be better you're some other post. This , maybe.

This, however, is leadership. "Surprise?. People write and read leadership books, leadership lectures, watch videos on YouTube about leadership, in short, people want to understand leadership (and perhaps, understanding may eventually be seen as leaders).

Although the book's title change, usually the approach is the same: look at the leaders, describing what they do and why you do succeeds or fails, then try to do the same and voila: You became a leader!.

This is a good approach however has its limitations. In his masterpiece, ' Principle-Centered Leadership, Stephen R. Covey presents a different approach: Instead of looking to leaders, followers look to understand leadership and understand why followers follow.

Covey tells us that there are 3 basic reasons why people follow a leader:

Coercive power: When people are in fear. Fear of what might happen if you do not follow that person. Can receive a bad thing if they do not or may lose something good out of it. Power utility

: refers to the dynamics of leadership in which people are someone just for the benefits derived from it. Only follow if the leader gives them something they want and that is the only motivation they have.

Principle-Centered Power: This is the third and highest level of leadership, here are fans because they respect and trust the leader and the vision that the leader is following.

Taking these three simple reasons why people continue, ask yourself: Why do people follow me to my ? In my work, in college, at home in the neighborhood, in my NGO, in my school, or wherever someone leaders, ask yourself: What is the motivation behind these people? Is it fear? "Selfishness? Or is it perhaps because I'm following a worthy cause?