Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mild Cramping Before Period

Defeat your Gigante (Audio Available)

There are areas in our lives where Satan rules, because we have not surrendered to Jesus Christ and we fighting in our forces is hard to admit, but these giants, humiliate us, take possession of us, lead us to failure. You can
giant pornography, masturbation, depression, alcoholism, drugs, glue, smoking, sex addiction, infidelity, anger, bad words, debts, being a contentious and rebellious person.

Giant Very tall, very big, huge or excessive Grounding, punk or tyrant
When you see a giant, from your perspective is something invincible, something unattainable. That giant is it that overcomes you, press you, humiliates you. Giant

Your personal and private is one that hits you is the one who puts you down, is one that makes you bite the dust. That (s) area (s) in your life that you can not beat (immorality, drugs, addictions, debt, hidden habits, laziness, immaturity, bad words, resentments, fears, etc) constantly take you to failure, you have to stop fight on your strengths and ask God to deliver the enemy into your hand.

I present to you Giant "The Philistine army was a man named Goliath, who was from Gath, and was nine feet tall. He was wearing a helmet, and bronze armor that weighed as fifty-seven kilos . His legs were covered with bronze plates, and shoulders carrying a javelin. The basis of his spear was huge, and its tip was made of iron and weighed seven kilos "1 Samuel 17:4

" And there was another war at Gath, where was a man of great stature, which had six fingers on the hands, and twelve feet, twenty-four by all, and was also a descendant of the giants. " the 2nd Samuel 21:20 Goliath
= exile, expel you, undress (in disgraceful sense), which takes you captive, discovered, naked, exposed, revealed
Gat = Site where you tread the grapes, the olives are pressed or crushed for apple juice.

este gigante proviene de un lugar donde son expertos en machacar, apretar y presionar a sus oponentes. ese goliat viene para vencerte, humillarte y derrotarte.

Ese Goliat hace que abandones el plan de Dios, hace que te apartes de tu destino, hace que te vayas de tu casa, que dejes a tu esposa, que abandones a tus hijos, y que te vayas a un lugar al cual no perteneces. Ese Goliat te quiere hacer esclavo en tierras ajenas; el te quiere hacer esclavo del mundo y sus placeres.
Goliat, es quien te desnuda, te expone, revela tu debilidad; Goliat es quien te deshonra, quien te amenaza, ese gigante le demuestra al mundo lo débil que tu eres; este gigante expone tu falta de carácter, tu falta de dominio own, your pride, your bitterness, your depression, Goliath yells that you are a failure and you can never quit, never stop drinking.

That little area that you can not beat is not small, is a large area will cost you your holiness, it will cost your anointing, that small area will not let you have intimacy with God is great and challenging, such as Goliath.
Goliath stood before the Israeli army and shouted defiantly: "I am a Philistine, and you are servants of Saul. You do not you all go to fight. Choose one of you, and send them to fight me. If a good warrior and kills me, we will be slaves to you. But if I kill him, you shall be our slaves. "V8-9

This giant challenges you day and night, and you are his slave because he has beaten you countless times. That giant humiliate you, controls, sends you, you govern, that giant challenges you and your sentence, you say: never go out of drugs, nobody loves you will die in the street in an unmarked grave, your family hates you, no good for nothing, you're a failed, you never get out of depression, not worth pursuing, you'll never get out of the vices, are a hypocrite, you're a bad Christian, has always been a mediocre and that will never change.
Goliath night and put in front of you and abuse you, fight against you and then laughs before you and others, I am ashamed. You know you're strong, but there are areas where Goliath is king, and when he is waiting for you, you become fragile, humiliated and defeated.

"And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel, give me a man who fights me." V10
= Philistine who wallows in the dust you

Philistine giant is someone who wallows in the dust, mud, embarrassed you, expose your weaknesses, yells at you, scares you, frightens you, and you said that you can not beat.
The Goliath will harass (harass you, whips, that bothers you)
Each attempt you have to get up, this Philistine you down and shows you it's your own, which he controls you, you mourn it, makes you cry for mercy, makes you a slave to alcohol, pills you, the glue, drugs, pornography, masturbation, sex slave, loneliness.

"When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, were dismayed and greatly afraid." V11
= frighten, intimidate, finish, scare. Fear = afflict, torment,
This giant terror frightens you, makes you believe that these over, that nothing is worthwhile, that no one can change your life, this giant bully you, you convinced that nothing and nobody can take you where you are.

You can show strong before the people of your friends, your family, but this giant is waiting for you at night, in solitude, in the privacy and defeat you, many flee and take refuge to avoid having to face this giant, others are defeated by Goliath, and his life is defeat and misery.
You have to stop acting like Saul, you need not be afraid of this giant, you need not tremble before his voice. Enough of always being under the giant, enough so humiliation! You must have courage, God is with you, and do not be intimidated by that giant ask God, as did David, and God will give the giant in your hands.

David believed in God
"Saul said to David, Thou canst not go against this Philistine to fight with him because you are young, and he a man of war from his youth." V33
When you want to get up and win, many people, and Saul will tell you that you can not, you're going to be the same, that you soon in depressed again, soon returned to smoking, in 3 days you will go to masturbate, I give you back a week to drink. Never raised.

But David was not afraid of this giant, he knew he trusted. "David said unto Saul, Thy servant is a shepherd of the sheep of his father, and there came a lion or a bear, and took a lamb from the flock, I went out after him, and smote him, and him of his mouth, and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him and killed him. Whatever the lion and the bear, Thy servant slew: and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, he has defied the military the living God. " V34-36

Paul recognized that paladins battled with private giants, he acknowledged that he was weak, but in Jesus he was stronger than anything; "And I says: My grace is sufficient for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that rest upon me the power of Christ. Therefore, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties when I am weak, then am I strong. " 2 Corinthians 12:9
Fort = gr. dunatós, capable, strong, powerful.

"But in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Romans 8:37
More than conquerors = win a decisive battle
Decisive = anything conclusive, final fundamental, decisive. No interim, not accidental.

You, like David have to humble yourself before God and know your weaknesses, strengthen you in the Lord and fight with the forces of the Lord, and go and stand in front of that that makes you bite the dust and say to here! Not anymore! Today the Lord has delivered into my hands and conquer in the name of Jesus Christ!
"Then said David to the Philistine, You come to me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. Lord will delivered into my hand, and I will smite thee, and thine head, and I will give the bodies of the Philistines to the birds and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that Israel has a God, and know all this assembly that the Lord saves not with sword and spear: for the LORD is the battle, and he will give to us. " V45-47

David did not fear the giant but went to battle, so you also must fight the good fight and not give up, because he has placed in your hands to the giant and it's time to get up and cut off his head to pornography, masturbation, depression, drugs, alcohol, debt, laziness, a haughty spirit, it's time to forgive, it's time!
Humble yourself before God and before you leave and put the enemy under your feet, he and I surrender, take courage and persevere, and remember, you need not fear, be brave!
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of self." 2 Timothy 1:7

"The Lord will come like a mighty man of war as up jealousy, yell, voceará, will work on their enemies." Isaiah 42:13 , the Lord who will give you victory on alcohol, vices, depression and everything that torments you.

"It happened when the Philistine arose and walked to get to meet David, that David hurried and ran toward the battle against the Philistine. And David put his hand on the bag, and took thence a stone, and slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead and the stone was stuck in his forehead, and fell on their faces. So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and stone, and smote the Philistine and killed him, without David sword in his hand. Then David ran and stood over the Philistine, and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath, it just killed, and cut off her head. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled. "V48-51

David lunged over his enemy, killed him and cut off his head, so your abalánzate on that giant and derríbalo, and cut off the head of pornography, drugs, alcohol, and depression. Ya Basta! Arise! God is on your side battles are no longer in your strength, God give you strength. It is time that your giant bite the dust, and Satan is humiliated!

"Rising then Israel and Judah, shouted, and pursued the Philistines to reach the valley, and to the gates of Ekron. And fell the wounded of the Philistines on the road to Gath and Ekron Shaaraim. "V52
David won, and others are Philistines fled. There are a champion in the midst of your problems, as you may overcome it, the rest will follow, frighten, terrorize and they will flee, and run because they will see the all-powerful God, who fights your battles. HALLELUJAH!

brother, begins to defeat your giants, derribalos one by one, with the sling of faith, the stone of truth, you cut off the giant head with the sword of the spirit (the word of God)

In the book of Second Samuel chapter 21:18-21 , the Bible tells us about how the men of David (David's mighty men) kill giants, David's coach David taught and inspired as defeat its giants, and David, once you defeat your giant, Mr. you will use to help others and inspire them to overcome their own giants, God transforms you to transform.

Remember, the battle is not yours, but God is not by sword, nor by might, but by His Holy Spirit! Thank you sir for fighting our battles .. keep your communion with the Lord, and acknowledge that you are fragile, recognizes that for yourself you can not, but when you are weak, then you are strong!
Satan will try to knock you down in your mind, but fails to trust and believe in those arguments and begin to trust in Jesus and His promises, Courage, continues to struggle and victory will be difinitiva.

God bless you.

written by: Jorge Valle eldesafiocristiano@hotmail.com


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Tear down your giant - Jorge Valle

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Tear down your giant - Jorge Valle