Sunday, March 22, 2009

Swot Salons Strengths... And Weaknesses

What is the Gospel? Part 3

developing ...

Hypothesis Of An Aluminum Foil Boat Project

What is the Gospel? Part 2

Dear brothers, the true gospel is being preached today, worse in the Mega-churches ..
There are some brothers who are 12 or 15 years in a church and believe that they have seen and experienced many things and are exempt from falling into the deception or a gospel light ... Brothers

2 years ago, I wrote a letter to a church in which I gathered, pointing out some points which, according to the word is being diverted. This letter caused a little controversy .. I thought that this would cause a change, since it was an admonition to many things that were happening. but things have not changed ... Apparently a few months the subjects began to be more Bible, but Christ ... and I said, we are on track, but then perverted the gospel ... otherwise it is not the Gospel ...

We said in part that the gospel is: repentance of sins and believe in Jesus crucified, dead, buried and resurrected! "now I say again: If anyone preaches a gospel other than the one you received, let him be anathema (cursed with a curse)" Galatians 1:9

A gospel that does not talk that Jesus saves, is heresy! we can not say we preach when as "church" we are talking about prosperity, political, and other things, as this leads to another gospel ..

2 .- Political Gospel
There are some churches that have stopped believing in God, they stopped trusting God and seeing the evil and injustice, they say, do we have to do something! But really so? Does the Bible say that we take justice into our hands? "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give place unto wrath: for is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. "Romans 11:19

" act resolutely against some of us as if we walked in the flesh. For though we walk in the flesh, not war according to the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, and be ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. " 2 Cor. 10:2-6

As a church we should pray and submit to our authorities, Paul said: "pray for the authorities that all authorities are imposed by God," Paul wrote this when he was under the regime most corrupt government on the face of land until today!, the Roman Empire!, and in the midst of this we never saw or read that Paul has stood with placards in front of the Roman coliseum saying corruption Down, down, or stop down corrupt governors! NO! Paul said submissive! but how? I asked a pastor I can say to me, submit yourself to my ecclesiastical authority if it does not submit to its authority in government but rebels against this, knowing that he who rebels against authority, rebels against God, because God has been this imposed! Brothers

the word says:
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" Matthew 5:6 ; you got your thirst for justice? pray to God and prayer accompanies your action, but "What action? is right in your work, no charge for others, be fair with your servant and pay him which corresponds, do not show partiality in anywhere! and worse in CHURCHES! (Let the reader understand)

"Are you thirsty for justice?, integrity practiced as a lifestyle, enjoy the time at work to go the extra mile, do not complain, pray for those who hate you! Pray for God to do His righteousness, not ours ... Be yourself, living testimony of Jesus Christ and reflect .. and remember that we are ambassadors of Jesus Christ ..

The Bible says:
"because ignorant of the righteousness of God and seeking to establish their own, have not been submitted to the righteousness of God" Romans 10:3 ; Brothers did not manipulate the Bible to suit our own desires do not let one side the true gospel of the cross of Christ, to preach what ought not .. There are human needs and spiritual needs ..

If you want justice, you just know! Dear brother, if you're not just how often that face demand justice ?????? Tell me! if you manipulate the Bible to get money from your flock, if you make the gospel an amusement park, if you are not what you preach, if you do empty the cross of Christ, putting philosophy and psychology at the church, and, as ? going to seek justice?

not fair, nor make the ministers put aside the call that God made them which is to preach the word of God to all creatures, many say, "do not make it to one side!" Perhaps not make one side completely, but this is no longer the central of the church!

"Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples and said: Not that we should leave the word of God to serve tables." Acts 6:2; We can not preach the Cross of Christ! And if we are to preach to politicians, not demand justice, preaching the gospel and let the holy spirit is who will do the rest.

"And when the Holy Spirit comes, he will convict the world of sin, righteousness and justice "John 16:8

and this belief is through the preaching of the Cross of Christ! No other method, we can not and should not, if we call ourselves Christians, stop preaching the cross of Christ ... we are not EARTHLY, SPIRITUAL ... WE are not contrary to God ..

"For many walk, of whom I have told many times, and now tell you even weeping, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is their shame, who mind earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, where we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that body is similar to His glory, by the power that enables him even to subject to himself all things. Philippians 3:18-21

Dominionism is a heresy that is being preached today in many Neo-Pentecostal churches and also on the move "Apostolic-Prophetic", this theology is based on Post-Millennial Theology, says that we as people of God, we must establish God's kingdom on earth, and that Jesus will not come until the church that is, not taken all the political powers (governments, embassies) and economic world.
are based on non-biblical literature to support these beliefs .. Passages used as "Thy kingdom come," " the kingdom of heaven is not meat and drink but righteousness, PEACE AND JOY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT" and so on .. are based in the kingdom is earthly, that the earthly church is because we are on earth! Unaware that the Bible says, "we are pilgrims on this earth" and Jesus said "My kingdom is not of this world"

This theory is crazy ... We are not God, nor establish anything, "the kingdom of heaven is at hand "Almost none of the supporters of this madness knows his doctrine ...
This theory or doctrine distracts from the purpose of saving souls because we are going to save, rather than going to save if the kingdom is already here?, Do not be fooled .. the love of Jesus on the cross is that which brings us to preach the gospel beautiful and precious!

Our citizenship is heavenly! No earthly one of the main purposes for being here is that we love one another.
Jesus said "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if you love one another" John 13:35 ; If you love your neighbor, you'd rather "give salvation? o out of jail and then go to hell? God NO measured as we measure, God does not fit as we do we fit! "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord" Isaiah 55:8

As we may think it is more important to bring justice to a corrupt society, to bring salvation ! All human justice is blind, without Jesus Christ. justly without Christ is mere morality and social consciousness, which is good for nothing, but simply to entertain the men and seducers to think that will be approved simply by having integrity and values \u200b\u200b"Christians" without Christ.

God's love compels me to see the neighbor .. God's love at first makes me want to save your soul .. Grace that I received, I will grace etonces. And while the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, the blood of Jesus washing his sins, as they have faith, and so are justified by faith, through the grace of Jesus Christ ..

true, as Christians we can not see the need and do nothing, then we are clear! a Christian never comes empty handed! if you go to evangelize, you carry provision, along with the word of God, remembering that we must be good Samaritans .. and not let the fallen and to see a side ...

Many people who are in this struggle for justice, go and stand hours to make up the numbers and demonstrate .. all the time what could happen need help and preaching the gospel of Christ; "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil" Ephesians 5:15 We can

think that is the will of God, but what is it?
In the book of Proverbs says: "there are roads that the roads seem straight man but its end is death"; In Jeremiah says "misleading is the heart of man, but that all things, who know it? only Jehovah knows the heart scans and "

I'm not maligning No! do not get me wrong, just
tell the truth is very easy to go arrogantly as citizens seek justice when we were not we, and everything we do twisted, low water, and who is to blame? government?, I think not .. They know who to blame? Christians have it! Because instead of preaching the word of God, do other things! We talked about: money, wealth, politics, business, philosophy and psychology, voting aside the Light of Christ, which is the only one who can change the hearts and minds of a corrupt, mediocre, negligence, rapist or murderer. ..
not human justice that will do that .... if not divine justice, through the word of God!

say that the church (as the body of Christ) is to blame for that throughout the Bible shows what the state of man when he has to God, Self-destruction, death, injustice, immorality, etc., and we as a body Christ are called to counter that, not to human justice, again! But with God's justice.

To find the justice of God we must scrutinize the script and ask for discernment from God to be misled. You must not eat anything you give in churches, "examine it all, take the good and discard the bad"
Think ...

"love never ceased to be!"
"For by grace you are saved, and that not of yourselves: it is a gift from God"
"NO TO WORKS lest anyone should boast!"
"Show me your faith by your works and I'll show you my faith by my works"

Only faith in Jesus, was what changed me! nothing! he deserves all the glory and honor! for ever! Amen! Brothers

many blessings! Men do not follow, follow God and His will! many of these men God could have given this vision to fight for human justice! But perhaps they DO NOT YOU GAVE!

I love the love of Christ

"if a lie is repeated many times, people begin to regard it as a truth (big bang, evolution, hitler and the super race, flat land , etc) "
" If the churches are called to exalt Christ and his gospel, and they do not, then who will? "
"if they say something bad about Christ, do not bother you, but if they mess with your pastor you get furious! You are careful not to worship men, remember who died on the cross for you, for your salvation was Christ or your Pastor? "
"God is sovereign, and I can use me or you, and if it does because I have no glory or let someone we boast, I am nothing "(unprofitable servant I am, I did what I ask) Jesus Only

changes, that is the true gospel we have to preach. Animo! still there are some who love the truth, God bless


Writer: Jorge valley

this is what the true word of God
Millions Africa become an

Monday, March 16, 2009

Does The 2nd Cervical Cancer Jab Hurt?

Emergency Broadcast New World Order Ahead

Please do everything you can to circulate this video far and wide. Post it in blogs, bulletins, forums, chain emails... Upload it to your YouTube channel... Use your imagination...


Website coming soon: